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[Opinions] Ann
I'm falling in love with Ann. It's so simple yet pretty. What do you think? Do you know anyone named Ann or Anne? How old are they?Can you imagine it on a baby or a little girl? Do you think it'll replace Anna someday? Do you see it getting common again? As a first or a middle name? Do you think it's still used a lot as a middle name or has Rose replaced it? How many girls with the middle name Anne or Ann do you know and do they usually have classic or trendy first names?Anne or Ann?Ann, Anne or Anna?
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I was just thinking about this...I much prefer Anne. Ann looks very incomplete to me. I think Anne is so understatedly beautiful. It keeps growing on me more and more, but I also like it as a nickname for some longer names such as Anneliese and Annegret. I just worry about her being called Annie, which I really dislike.
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My middle name is Anne. My given name is Adelheid, but I go by Heidi. My sister and I were both given Anne as a mn because it's my mom's mn. My mom is Polly and my sister is Daisy. I think it's still fairly common as a mn. I think it's also very much considered a filler. But I think it's beautiful as a first name -- simple and pretty, familiar but not too common. I also like Jane for these same reasons.Ann or Anne would have to contend with quite a few Anna's, however. I don't like Anna. And I much prefer Anne to Ann. It looks prettier.
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I prefer Anne but Ann is nice too.
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Anna is lovely, and Anne very pretty. I'm not so much in favour of Ann. It seems unfinished.Anne would be lovely to see in the first name spot.
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It's wierd, but I love Anne and I absolutely hate Ann. I think Anne and Anna are sort of tied for me. I know a 14 year old Ann(e?) "Annie", and I can't think of any others... And I know at least 5 people w/nn Ann, including a Noreen. Definitely a filler. As I said, I despise Ann- it just seems ugly or something to me- but I love Anne. Probably because it seems more classic? Or maybe because of Anne Frank? Not sure, but there's what i think :)
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Ann is very plain and boring to me. I can't agree with you that it's pretty. Anne is also plain and boring, but I prefer it to Ann.It is pretty hard to imagine a newborn Ann these days. I think it has been replaced as a filler middle name by such names as Grace and Rose. I don't see it getting common again anytime soon.I've known one Ann, back in high school. She'd be in her late forties now. I knew another woman who was called Ann, but that was actually short for AnnMarie. There were two little girls that I used to babysit for, who would now be in mid-thirties. Even though they were sisters, they both had Ann (or Anne---I'm not sure of the spelling) as their middle names. They were Kelly Ann and Courtney Ann.
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I love Ann its my middle name and i plan on using it as a mn for my daughter. i know one Anne she is about 50 but her real name is anastesia i think. I can picture it on a baby its a very beaityful name! I like the spelling Ann becasue thats my spelling !
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I prefer Anne with e. I think be nice middle name.
I'm a Anna :)
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I know an Anne who is maybe in her 50s or 60s. And Ann is my middle name. I'm definitely not fond of it at all.I can't imagine Ann, but I can imagine Anne. I definitely don't think it will replace Anna, and popularity seems a bit unlikely. I would definitely prefer it as a first name; as a middle, it's pure filler. And my first name is Sarah, and I know an Elizabeth and a few more Sarahs with the same middle name, so they mostly seem classic.I prefer Anne.I prefer Anna.
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I love this name, it's so much more spunky than Anna. I know one Anne, she's 18 or 19, but most of the people I know are. I can definitely see it on a baby girl, but I hope it doesn't get too common. I don't think it will ever be more popular than Anna, unfotunately as I'm sick of being one of many of those. Definitely more of a first name it's so boring in the mn slot, though I don't know how it compares with Rose. I'm not sure about middle names as I don't know that many peoples' full names, just their fns. I much prefer Anne because it looks more complete.
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I love Ann nn Annie. It's simple, beautiful, and not too common anymore. I can definitely see it on a younger person; in a sea of tryndee names, Ann would stand out and sound fresh.While I don't think it'll become popular as a fn again, I think it's still overused as a mn. I know many girls with the mn Ann or Anne, whether their fn is classic or trendy. Rose is probably a more common mn, though.Ann rather than Anne or Anna
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I just love Anne! It's so common as a middle name, but I'd love to see it used more as a first name. Ann is my grandmother's name and I know one Anne who's a freshman in college. What a pretty name :)
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I've met Anns and Annes, but most of them are over 40. I think the one teenager I know with the name spells it Anne.I can imagine it on a baby; it makes me happy to do so. As for replacing Anna someday, I think it could because these names go in cycles, but it won't be for a long time. We're not living in a time when the average parent seems to appreciate simple, unembellished, utterly un-frilly girl names. That just makes Anne/Ann more interesting, imo. Anne is still hugely popular as a mn, but the vast numbers of Roses and Graces have cut in on its action a bit. I think use as a mn is evenly divided between those who chose classic and trendy first names. I prefer Anne. Like Anne of Green Gables said, the Ann spelling looks just "dreadful" to me. I prefer Anna, but Anne is a very close second.
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I really dislike the look of Ann. It really just needs that e at the end for me, then I think it's very pretty. I love the simplicity of it. I've known several girls named Ann/Anne around my age.I can easily see it on a baby girl. It's ranking actually really surprised me when I saw it. Apparently people think Anna is much better these days. I think Anna will stick ahead of Ann/Anne for quite awhile. Feminine -a names are the new thing now.I see it a lot as a middle name. I'm not sure if most people are using it to honor or just as filler because they can't think of anything better. But Rose and Grace definitely seem to be "the" middle names these days.I really don't know many babies or little kids. I know I've heard of plenty of people around my age with Ann/Anne as a middle name.As I already said, I much prefer Anne. It's much more common than Ann too. I think I prefer Anne over Anna too, but I do like Anna.
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I know quite a few girls in their 30s with Ann/Anne as a middle name. They tend to have Irish or traditional first names - that's only the ones I know though - for example Susan, Catherine, Niamh and Caroline.I also know an Ann in her 30s. It was also my aunt's name, my great-aunt's and my great-grandmother's name. I also know a few Anns my mother's age. Oddly enough they all spell/spelt it Ann not Anne. I prefer Anne myself. I know quite a few Anne Maries too - some of whom go by Ann/Anne or Anna.I like Anna though it has gotten quite popular. I also like Annie and Annis.I don't see Anne getting popular for another while - the current fashion is for -a endings.
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I like Ann. Quite simple but still beautiful. I do know a couple of Anne's and Ann's and they are all around my age (21-22) and a little older (end of their 20s). I think that Ann sounds really nice in compination with another name. A friend of mine is named Ann Fiona, which I think works quite well.
I don't think Ann/Anne will have a huge comeback (well not in Germany anyways) because Anna is way more popular (in all generations).
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I know a few People named Ann:
One Ann is in her 50's, another Ann is 20 something, and the last is around 5 or 6.They all spell it Ann. My own middle name is Ann (this way), and my friends' MN's are also Ann also spelled that way (three with MN Ann).ETA: I prefer Anne, without an "e" it odd to me.

This message was edited 5/7/2009, 3:15 PM

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I much prefer Anne, I think it looks more classic. I only know one Anne, she's about 50.
I prefer Anna to Anne/Ann - I don't find Anna all that boring, I've only known one in my life and it's a timeless name, imo.
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