[Opinions] Meadow ...?
What are your thoughts, opinions, associations, etc when you hear the name? What kind of girl do you picture with this name?

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I think of the Sopranos. I did not like her character at all. But that said, I do think Meadow has an appealing sound and I do think its kinda cool on other people's kids.
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I like Meadow
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Aw, sweet. I have a penchant for girl names ending in an "o" sound. And the name Meadow brings such obviously pleasant mental images of flowers in bloom. What's not to like?I would avoid a mn that is also a noun, especialy ones from nature. How about:Meadow Alice / Alys / Alix
Meadow Eliza
Meadow Catriona ("ca-TREE-uh-nuh" or "ca-TREE-nuh")
Meadow Sinead ("shi-NAYD")
Meadow Ailsa
Meadow Lucy
Meadow Ishbel / Isibeal ("ISH-bayl")
Meadow Liesl
Meadow Astrid
Meadow Freya
Meadow Adele
Meadow Isolde
Meadow Leonie ("LEE-uh-nee" or "LAY-uh-nee")
Meadow Evelyn
Meadow Caroline / Charlotte
Meadow Elena
Meadow Cecily
Meadow Phoebe
Meadow Louisa
Meadow Callista
Meadow Jocelyn
Meadow Sylvia
Meadow Lenore / Eleanora
Meadow BiancaI could go on and on. A very versatile name, Meadow. Are there any that you like here?
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I like several combos from your list, but especially like Meadow Astrid, Meadow Caroline / Carolyn, Meadow Callista nd Meadow Bianca. I swore to my Oma before she died that I would name my first daughter Hanna, after her. I'm not as fond of Meadow Hanna as I am of Hanna Meadow, but I want to honour my boyfriend's grandmother also, soo I'm not sure. Meadow crept up from nowhere nd is currently my favourite name, nd I agree it's very versatile. Thanks for your suggestions, they're amazing!
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Thoughts: I love it, beautiful images of a nice meadow with deer or butterflies.What kind of girl do you picture with this name? Sweet kind in nature.I know a girl named Meadow she is 7. I like it for both genders.
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Immediately makes me think of The Sopranos... Meadow Soprano. Still pretty, although it may work better on a pet bunny.
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I love the name Meadow, it instills images of blooming buttercups, banking waterfalls and the sweet smell of nature into your mind. I imagine a girl with simple gone with the wind personality, intelligent and very artistic. I love the name, though I will only say for a girl. I've known a boy named Meadow, a great friend of mine, he put up with a severe amount of teasing...
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too bad it's handsome on a boy
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