[Opinions] Parker
I'm really liking Parker for a girl. Yes, I know it might be considered too masculine, but I have a thing for unisex names. WDYT? Any combo ideas that might girl it up a bit?
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I have a friend with this middle name...I was shocked when he told me that was it...I always thought it would be something like James or something...but I guess it fits his name combo, since his fn is also a surname.
I think that Parker is way too masculine unless used as a mn. For example (I like this, but I have a feeling this is too Wizard of Oz) my favorite combo for this is Dorothy Parker. I love the name Dorothy, and I think that if one doesn't use the name Ann for a mn for Dorothy, one should probably go to Parker.
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Parker does sound very masculine to me, yes.Parker Anastasia
Parker Anneliese
Parker Catherine
Parker Sophia
Parker Emmeline
Parker Genevieve
Parker Lillian
Parker Cecily
Parker Frances
Parker Lucia
Parker LucyThe girl Parker I know is Parker Elizabeth. Not the most interesting of middle names, but it is compeltley feminine.
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I like it and on both genders.
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I don't like masculine names on girls. :/
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To me the name Parker is strictly masculine and there is no way to "girl it up".
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I adore Parker for a girl! No MN ideas ATM
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In terms of unisex, it's not that bad!Better, in my opinion, than things ending in "-son".I think a nice frilly, delicate middle name will definitely give it some class and edge. How about...Parker Primrose
Parker Annabelle
Parker Meredith
Parker Violet
Parker Maisie
Parker Marigold
Parker Poppy
Parker Evangeline
Parker Stella
Parker Adelle
Parker Jayne
Parker Alice
Parker Elise
Parker Amelia

This message was edited 6/29/2009, 6:02 PM

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Parker Alice is very nice
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I kind of like it as a middle name for a girl. I probably didnt help any, but I tried. lolMichaela Parker
Leah Parker
Louella / Ella Parker
Samantha Parker
Lucy Parker
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I like Leah Parker, Michaela Parker, and Lucy Parker. I've thought of using it as a middle name, too.
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I can't really see it on a girl, but here's some combos:Parker Elodie
Parker Luisa
Parker Louise
Parker Annie
Parker Ramona
Parker Angel (or Angela, Angelica, etc.)
Parker Lana
Parker Alaina
Parker Tanith
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Parker is my #1 favorite name for a boy.Although I think it's fine to name your daughter "Keeper of the Park" because the name has a unisex meaning. Unlike some of names... ;)Parker Mary popped into mind...
I thought of Parker Ashley and Parker Angel too, but it's silly because of the singer, who is male.Anyway, I'm really sorry but I just can not think of combos for the life of me because thinking of it in feminine terms truly confuddles me =/
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That's okay. I knew making feminine combos would be difficult for some people, but I thought I'd ask, anyway. :)I think I prefer it for a girl because of Parker Posey. I've always liked her.
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