[Opinions] Justus
I'm liking Justus a lot right now but it bothers me that so many seem to pronounce it just like Justice.1. Do you pronounce Justus and Justice the same?2. Do you think it goes well with August, Isidore and Emmanuel?3. Matteus or Justus? Which do you like the best?*August, Isidore, Emmanuel and Justus
* August, Isidore, Emmanuel and Matteus
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#1. Kind of... either like Justice or Just-us.#2. Yes.#3. Hmm... Justus.
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1. It sounds very close to Justice, yes.2. Yes.3. I like Matteus.* August, Isidore, Emmanuel and Matteus
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1. I guess when I pronounce Justus the English way, it does kind of sound like Justice, but my usual pronunciation of it is completely different.2. It goes well with August and Emmanuel. Not so sure about Isidore.3. Justus! Matteus is nice too but Justus seems more natural.August, Isidore, Emmanuel and Justus, definitely!
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1. I don't pronounce it like Justice2. I think it goes very well with those names3. I like both but prefer MatteusI think August, Isidore, Emmanuel and Justus is best
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