[Opinions] Aida
WDYTO the name Aida (ah-EE-da)? Would you prefer the spelling Aidah?Any middle name ideas?
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Love it. I was just thinking about Aida (this spelling only) the other day.Aida Pascale is my favorite combination. Others you might like:Aida Pilar
Aida Jasmine / Jessamine
Aida Simone
Aida Ruby
Aida Miriam / Maryam
Aida Carmel
Aida Lily
Aida Belen ("beh-LEN")Happy hunting!
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I think I prefer the name Adia (AY-dee-ah) but I do agree that Aida could be the next Ava/Ada.
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I think Aida is a cute name. :)
I like
Aida Rose
Aida Harper
Aida RaeI also think Aida and Aidan would be cute for twins, but they're a little too matchy.
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This name has such potential as an alternative to Ava, Ada, etc. I've heard it pronounced (eye-EE-da), which is similar to (ah-EE-da). There's a new host on the Food Network named Aida too. As soon as I learned that, I thought, this name is going to rise. I like it, but not enough to shortlist it.
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It's okey, and I really dislike the Aidah spelling since it looks like Aidan (which I love).
But it makes me think of The Sims 3 too. a character in the game is called Aida Sw0rd. Aida Ofelia
Aida Victoria
Aida Leonore
Aida Guinevere
Aida Rose
Aida Meredith
Aida Nicole
Aida Louise
Aida Calliope
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Aida Calliope and Aida Leonore are gorgeous. And Aida Victoria makes me think of Aida Victorine. Do you like that one?
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I like it. Aida Clair seems cute together.
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