[Opinions] Ernest
I'm having a thing with male E names lately I think! What do y'all think of Ernest? It's an important family name of my boyfriend and it's really starting to grow on me. It gives me a very warm and welcoming vibe. What do you think?
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Just makes me think of this guy --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_P._Worrell.I don't like it at all. However, The Importance of Being Earnest makes the name kind of interesting.
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LOVE Ernest. HATE Ernie.
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Totally agree
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Love it! I know a guy with this name, but he always just gets called Ernie.
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I used to like Ernest a great deal, but I've come to see it as nerdy and I suspect most people think of the comedy character when they hear this name. I can't imagine a little boy wanting to be named Ernest.
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I'm not sure about this name. It's okay , but it does sound old-fashioned, I don't like the long schwa sound in the first syllable. I much prefer the form Ernesto. (It was Che Guevara's real name!)
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I love Ernest. I don't understand why it's not used more. But I hate the spelling Earnest...that ruins it.
Erna, a German diminutive of Ernestine, is a family name of mine.
Ernest sounds like it belongs too a serious, kind, very polite young man.
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I agree, it is great and also very warm and welcoming. It reminds me of Eustace, which I have been into a little lately.
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ZOMGZ! I love Eustace.
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Frankly, I think it's too old-fashioned. I can't picture a little Ernest running around the daycare (though Ernie would be a cute NN).
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