[Opinions] WDYTO Willow? (!n/t!)
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Great name.
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I think it's lovely on a girl. Don't like it at all on a boy.
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I like it
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Like it on either a girl or an Arabian horse :)
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I like it only on a girl
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Its ok, I guess. It sounds kind of depressing to me because it reminds me of the Weeping Willow trees.
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I dislike it.
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I like the name Willow!
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I think it is very pretty and sweet.
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It's my kitten's name, so obv. I like it :) Her nn's are Wills and Willsy.
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I LOVE it...mIts my favourite name for a girl (apart from my kid's names of course)
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Love on either a boy or a girl!!Hey, I said no text. You cheated!
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love for a boyz
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I like it, but it isn't my favorite nature name. And it sort of reminds me of that movie I watched as a kid.
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I love willow! My puppy is named Baby Willow although my husband refuses to call her Willow so she goes by Babe.
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