[Opinions] Helix and Ivy
WDYTO Helix (m) and Ivy (f) for twins? If you didn't know, Hedera Helix is the Latin name for English Ivy, the species that grows wild in America.

Also, do you think Helix and Felix would be confused too often?
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That's a clever theme, but Helix is a lot more obscure than Ivy. Helix and Felix would definitely get confused, but I think Helix is AWESOME. But I'm a molecular biology geek, so I think of DNA, not ivy.
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Helix reminds me of DNA (double helix strands). To me, it's too science geeky. But it is a clever way to give them names with the same meaning.
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Oh, that's cool! I wouldn't have even noticed that! Those are great names too. I think Helix might get confused with Felix once or twice, but people will remember it after they get corrected once; I don't think it's a problem.
And I prefer Helix over Felix by far.

This message was edited 8/7/2009, 6:54 PM

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I like them. :)
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Clever ...Not a fan of Helix but very, very clever ;) I think some might think that Helix is a misprint of Felix BUT it's really clever (I know clever is redundant but come on! It is!) so I would use it maybe for middle names.
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I agree!Very clever! I love Ivy and Helix is pretty cool.
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I like Ivy, but I am not a fan of Helix (prefer Felix). I think they sound nice together for twins though.
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