[Opinions] Angelina?
What do you of Angelina? All I could think of the name before was Jolie & I'm not a fan of hers, so I didn't give the name a second thought. Today I heard a sibling set of 4 girls and one of them was Angelina, and it sounded so pretty being said. Thanks. :)
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My favorite angel names, in order, are:
AngelinaI do not like Angela, though. I think that Angelina is a gorgeous, very usable name. I heard a sibset recently of Angelina & Isabella, but this was not in real life, just on a board I used to lurk on.
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I think it's so pretty. I love all the Angel names and this is the sweetest of all of them.
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I think it'd be ok to use it even if you're not a fan of hers, but if you're worried most people would think of her, you could use Angelica instead.
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The minute I hear Angelina I think Jolie, sorry. Just like you I'm not a fan of hers and that's why I would never use it. How about Evangeline instead?

This message was edited 8/12/2009, 8:01 AM

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I think Angelina is really pretty, but it's too girly for my tastes.
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Hmm, I can't really get past the Jolie association (I'm no fan either), plus I'm not very keen on -ina names.This said, I'd much rather meet a little Angelina than a Mackenzie or Madisyn.
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It's really very pretty but wouldn't it inevitably get shortened? I think Lina is a much nicer nn than the overused and less silvery Angie, though.
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Personally I have an aversion to angel- names but Angelina is okay. I like the nn Lina or Ina a lot, though! Alternatively, I prefer Evangeline / Evangelina.
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