[Opinions] Eve and Ivy
What do you think of Eve and Ivy? Not as sisters obviously, but each on their own.Which do you prefer?Combos ideas?Thanks!
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Eve is a perfectly good name, but I don't like it much. Not sure why, as Niamh / Neve is a GP.
I like Ivy much more, but it's so cute that I can see it getting popular.
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I like them both, but I prefer Eve.
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Ivy! I hate Eve.
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Eve is such a clear & bright name to me. I love it's simplicity, softness, & beauty. Ivy brings up only the loveliest images as well, and it has such pretty sound and aesthetic. Out of the two, I'd have to go for Eve because Biblical names get points for me. :)
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I like both.Eve Magdalene has long been a fave, and Ivy Alexandra is also. I think I'd sooner use Iris than Ivy, however.
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I like them both. They are very pretty.I think I prefer Eve though.
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I like Ava and Eva than Eve, and I LOVE Ivy.I prefer Ivy.
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I think they're both nice: uncommon, refreshing, and classy. My vote goes to Ivy though; it's been a favorite of mine for a long time.
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I'm not fond of Ivy, but I love Eve.Eve Melisande is my favorite Eve combo and one of my favorite combos overall.These are the rest of the Eve combos on my long list: Eve Alexandra, Eve Amabel, Eve Amandine, Eve Amarantha, Eve Amaranthe, Eve Camellia, Eve Caroline, Eve Catherine, Eve Celestine, Eve Clementine, Eve Corisande, Eve Eleonora, Eve Eugenie, Eve Fortunata, Eve Georgiana, Eve Georgina, Eve Glynis, Eve Gwendolen, Eve Hannelore, Eve Helene, Eve Hesper, Eve Josephine, Eve Katherine, Eve Mathilde, Eve Natalia, Eve Nimue, Eve Róisín, Eve Rosalind, Eve Rosemonde, Eve Tatienne.
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