[Opinions] Shai?
WDYT of Shai? Do you prefer it for a boy or girl?I'm intrigued by it and while I don't mind it for a boy, I am actually really quite liking it for a girl, maybe as a mn. Elisabeth Shai Honora is a combo I am playing around with. WDYT?
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How do you pronounce it? SHY? or SHAY? or some other way?I like it more for a boy, but when I first read this post, I read Shia (as in Shia Lebeouf) and maybe others would too.
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Like the word ShyAnd it's completely masculine to me. It's actually the name of two friends of mine's little brother, their names being Lea and Shira. I couldn't see it on a girl ata ll.
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Shai introgues me, too, but the combo Elisabeth Shai Honora becomes Elizabeth Sayonara :-/ Elisabeth Shai works well, though.
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I didn't think of that!Thanks for pointing it out :-)
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I like it, it's got a great meaning too! I suppose it works on both genders, though it's slightly more feminine-sounding to me.
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