[Opinions] Danae
What think you of Danae?How do you pronounce it?
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I have had this one on my list for awhile. I pn it Duh-nay. I know of two people with this name and that is how they pn it.I think it much better then Danika which seems popular right now.
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It's nms. I pronounce it Duh-nay.
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I'd guess it's pronounced tha-na-ee in Greek (no idea which syllable would be stressed), and probably dan-ay-ee or dan-ay in English, but I don't know any people with the name, so I'm groping in the dark a bit here.I think that at one time you probably could have used this and it would have looked wonderfully elegant and classic, but with things like Janae and Shae and so on out there, it's just going to seem like a similar name.
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I'm inclined to pronounce it DA-na-eh, with a narrow "e" sound as in "bet".It's an interesting name, but a bit pretentious on a real person.

This message was edited 9/4/2009, 1:45 AM

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I like it with the umlaut on the e and pronounce it DAH-nay, though this might not be correct, so I doubt I'd use it.
I also love Laelia, on old Roman name, which I'd pronounce lay-lee-uh yet might be ly-lee-uh (I like both but, as with Danae, confusion over pronunciation puts me off it a tad in real life).
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I don't mind it, though I wouldn't ever use it. I pronounce it like Renee, just with a D instead of an R obviously!
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I pronounce it as Dan-ay. I don't care for it, really.
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I say "Dan-uh-ee" and I like it pretty well. It can be a little clumsy because it's unfamiliar though.
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I know of a Danae! She pronounces it "DAN-ay". I quite like this name especially with an umlaut on the e, although I think that makes it "dan-a-ee" or something.
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