[Opinions] Twin themes
I don't really like theme names for siblings, like London and Ireland or Ava and Ana, but lately I'm liking middle name themes, mostly for twins, like:
Lauren Faith and Juliet Grace (Faith and Grace as middle names)
Lily Sara and Sofia Loraina (LS and SL)
and "cross theme" names where one fn is a theme with a mn and the other fn is a theme with the other mn, like:
Lily Cristina and Sofia Rose (Lily and Rose both being flowers, Cristina and Rose both being Spanish names)
Caoilainn Elisabeth (kay-lynn)and David Sean (Caoilainn and Sean are Irish, Elisabeth and David are biblical)
So what do you think of sibsets with themes like this? Sorry this is so long and I tried to make some sense!
Lauren Faith and Juliet Grace (Faith and Grace as middle names)
Lily Sara and Sofia Loraina (LS and SL)
and "cross theme" names where one fn is a theme with a mn and the other fn is a theme with the other mn, like:
Lily Cristina and Sofia Rose (Lily and Rose both being flowers, Cristina and Rose both being Spanish names)
Caoilainn Elisabeth (kay-lynn)and David Sean (Caoilainn and Sean are Irish, Elisabeth and David are biblical)
So what do you think of sibsets with themes like this? Sorry this is so long and I tried to make some sense!
I don't like twin themes but if it's only in the meaning or origin then ok. But not like Faith and Grace or rhymes.
And I'm sorry but Caoilainn is just horrible to me.
And I'm sorry but Caoilainn is just horrible to me.
I don't like any sort of naming theme, period. Too cutsey, too commodifying.
I don't mind it as long as it doesn't become "naming prohibitive". For example if your DD's are Kelsey Faith and Kathryn Grace and you're expecting a third girl, you love the name Anna but "can't" use it b/c it doesn't fit your k-name, virtue name theme and then the kid gets the name Karoline Hope which you are forcing anyway. Whew. Other sets that you mentioned aren't that bad. Most of the time people aren't going to hear sibsets in there entirety, especially with middle names, so really it's just for the parents anyway.
I really like the cross themes as they aren't obvious. I also like how your cross themes connect in two ways. Nice.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
It makes me sad. Twins or siblings for that matter are their own people. People compare sibs enough without them having similar or themey names.
I like twin, triplet etc names to be somewhat different, I don't mind if the first letter is the same, but I like twins to be individuals. Even though they may look the same doesn't mean they have to wear the same clothes, have the same personalities and have the same (or similar) names. just my opinion. :)
I don't mind themes as long as they are subtle. Your examples are fine.
For example, my nieces (all siblings) are:
Erin Cathleen
Maureen Elizabeth (they call her Mo)
Shannon Eileen
As you can see, each girl got a name ending in "-een," but not all as fns. All of the fns end in an "n" sound. This is skirting close the the edge of my "cutesy" sibling aversion, but it's still OK.
For example, my nieces (all siblings) are:
Erin Cathleen
Maureen Elizabeth (they call her Mo)
Shannon Eileen
As you can see, each girl got a name ending in "-een," but not all as fns. All of the fns end in an "n" sound. This is skirting close the the edge of my "cutesy" sibling aversion, but it's still OK.
I think themes in siblings/twins names that are not too obvious are cute, it creates a sort of "link". All your examples seem like good sets to me, nothing overboard:)

Do you believe?

Do you believe?
I heard of twin girls, Caroline Grace and Victoria Hope, which I thought was nice. The first names are both traditional, old-fashioned names and are both royalty names, while the middle names are both virtue names.