[Opinions] Danaë
WDYTO Danaë for a girl? How do you pronounce it? I've seen it pronounced several ways. Any combo ideas?Thank you.
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I like it but I wouldn't use it. It sounds trendy, even though it's not. Plus I know heaps of girls who have it as a middle name, weirdly enough. A Lily Danae, a Sylvia Danae, a Cayley Danae, a Jade Danae, a Hannah Danae and a Victoria Danae Rose. They all pronounce it dah-NAY and I doubt the parents knew the background of the name. I think most just thought they made it up. I've seen Linnae and Janae as well. Cayley Danae is the niece of Sylvia Danae so it was honoring. In Lily's case her mother was named Dana.I'd pronounce it with three syllables. I guess the correct pronunciation would be DAN-ay-ee or dan-AH-ee. dan-AH-ee would be my favorite, I guess.Overall a nice name but one that would cause A LOT of confusion and will be perceived as trendy by many.
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Oh andVictoria Danae Rose was named that because she had a twin sister who had Renee as one of her middle names and her parents were all into twinny names.Their full names are: Victoria Danae Rose and Lucretia Renee Grace. Alright not really that twinny but all of the names kind of had the same syllables and rhymed a bit.
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I love Danae, but it's GP for me because I can't decide how I want to pronounce it. I believe it's "DAN-ah-ee" (Classical Greek) or "dah-NAH-ee" (Modern Greek).
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I never came across one, but I'd pronounce da-NAH-ay. It's a very pretty name, at least written down (since I don't know how it sounds).Danaë Louisa
Danaë Lilianna
Danaë Ariel
Danaë Sophia
Danaë RosetteSorry, I'm not very inspired :(
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Id pronounce it (duh-nay)
How about Danaë Anne, Danaë Margaret, Danaë Christine, or Danaë Rose.
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If you're going to pronounce it "duh-NAY", there's no reason to put the diaresis on it. It means the letter should be pronounced as a seperate syllable (e.g. Zoë).
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As far as I know it's pronounced DAN-uh-ee. I used to really dislike this name, but now I really like it.Combo Ideas:
Danae Grace
Danae Alma
Danae Jen
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that pronunciation is very unflattering
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Yes, but it's the right way to pronounce it. It's a name from Greek Mythology.(Just like Aphrodite, Ariadne, Circe, etc.)
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I'm used to "dah-NAY", but "DAH-nah-ay" is also pretty.
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