[Opinions] Bad BA's
Included parents and siblings where amusing/relevant
Mykehl Patrick – what is so wrong with Michael? Why? Why!?
Taliilagi Sulufaleese – Parents: Lejeune & Aileen, Siblings: Serenity, Princess, Praise & Laugatausala (I think some of these are ethnic [I hope], but there’s no excuse for Princess and Praise)
Haydan Bella – Sib: Baylor (the epitome of tryndee)
Mickaela Reighley – New, not much better spelling of Riley
Zaysten Kirklin-Lee Kristopher – what?
Khloe Nidiffer – what? part II
Jelaney Miledia – sibling Nizyrie (I think you see where I’m going with this… and just name the kid Misery because that's what she'll experience with a name like Nizyrie)
Mykehl Patrick – what is so wrong with Michael? Why? Why!?
Taliilagi Sulufaleese – Parents: Lejeune & Aileen, Siblings: Serenity, Princess, Praise & Laugatausala (I think some of these are ethnic [I hope], but there’s no excuse for Princess and Praise)
Haydan Bella – Sib: Baylor (the epitome of tryndee)
Mickaela Reighley – New, not much better spelling of Riley
Zaysten Kirklin-Lee Kristopher – what?
Khloe Nidiffer – what? part II
Jelaney Miledia – sibling Nizyrie (I think you see where I’m going with this… and just name the kid Misery because that's what she'll experience with a name like Nizyrie)
This message was edited 11/27/2005, 3:22 PM
This message was edited 11/29/2005, 2:14 PM
Wow, those are truly horrid :(


What's so wrong with Michael, is that it's painfully boring and unoriginal. But spelling it Mykehl doesn't change this. Yuck.
Hayden Bella, spelled like that, would be nice imo.
The rest are really beyond comment, especially Jelaney Miledia, which sounds like a gruesome affliction.
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
Hayden Bella, spelled like that, would be nice imo.
The rest are really beyond comment, especially Jelaney Miledia, which sounds like a gruesome affliction.
'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
This message was edited 11/28/2005, 6:38 AM
Mykehl Patrick
(what is so wrong with Michael? Why? Why!?)
Silly Jen! Michael isn't *nearly* as pretty as Mykehl. ;-)
And the Patrick makes it OMG-Irish, of course.
Taliilagi Sulufaleese – Parents: Lejeune & Aileen, Siblings: Serenity, Princess, Praise & Laugatausala
(I think some of these are ethnic [I hope], but there’s no excuse for Princess and Praise)
Either that or Mum was in the pasta aisle when inspiration for names struck.
Haydan Bella – Sib: Baylor
IMO, Haydan is one of those names. Too masculine for a girl, too feminine for a boy.
As for Baylor...wtf?
Mickaela Reighley
How the HELL do you pronounce "Reighley"? I prefer my names to be a little less ambigious in spelling.
Zaysten Kirklin-Lee Kristopher
Kirklin! As in, a small Kirk.
Khloe Nidiffer
Khloe, I can just about manage. Nidiffer, however, is a sound. The kind of sound you make when somebody is boring you to death.
Jelaney Miledia – sibling Nizyrie
Jelaney? As in, a gelatine Delaney?
- Maria
"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life." - Samuel Johnson
(what is so wrong with Michael? Why? Why!?)
Silly Jen! Michael isn't *nearly* as pretty as Mykehl. ;-)
And the Patrick makes it OMG-Irish, of course.
Taliilagi Sulufaleese – Parents: Lejeune & Aileen, Siblings: Serenity, Princess, Praise & Laugatausala
(I think some of these are ethnic [I hope], but there’s no excuse for Princess and Praise)
Either that or Mum was in the pasta aisle when inspiration for names struck.
Haydan Bella – Sib: Baylor
IMO, Haydan is one of those names. Too masculine for a girl, too feminine for a boy.
As for Baylor...wtf?
Mickaela Reighley
How the HELL do you pronounce "Reighley"? I prefer my names to be a little less ambigious in spelling.
Zaysten Kirklin-Lee Kristopher
Kirklin! As in, a small Kirk.
Khloe Nidiffer
Khloe, I can just about manage. Nidiffer, however, is a sound. The kind of sound you make when somebody is boring you to death.
Jelaney Miledia – sibling Nizyrie
Jelaney? As in, a gelatine Delaney?
"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life." - Samuel Johnson
This message was edited 11/28/2005, 5:51 AM
I like Haydan Bella (except I much prefer Hayden and only on a boy). I really like Baylor.
The rest are HORRIBLE!
The rest are HORRIBLE!
can't help laughing out loud...
Mom to Olivia and Aunt to Joseph, Michelle, Erica and Alex

Mom to Olivia and Aunt to Joseph, Michelle, Erica and Alex
i love HayDEN, Hayden for a BOY only.
whoa! lol
The spellings aren't really my style, but I like:
Aileen (prefer Eileen)
Haydan Bella (prefer Hayden)
Mickaela Reighley (prefer McKayla Rylee)
Khloe (prefer Chloe)
Aileen (prefer Eileen)
Haydan Bella (prefer Hayden)
Mickaela Reighley (prefer McKayla Rylee)
Khloe (prefer Chloe)