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[Opinions] Kieran
WDYTO Kieran?
Would you use it on a guy or a girl? It is kind of growing on me as a girls name...any MN suggestions? I've come up with a few:
Kieran Noelle
Kieran Grace
Kieran Ava
Kieran Isabelle
Kieran Claire
Kieran Emmeline.which of these do you like or dislike?
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Definitely all boy, and football-playing thug at that. For a girl it would look like a mistake for Karen, which would be much better.
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Definitely boy
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All boyI love it on a boy. It's horrible on a girl.
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Only a male name imo. Not feminine at all.:)
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I definately only like this on a boy.
Just go with Kiera for a girl.
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Can't go with Keira or I would. It's already been used in the family.
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Kieran is all boy. There is nothing feminine about it in my opinion.
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I'd definitely only use it on a boy. It's like the male form of Keira (or Keira is the female form of Kieran), so I don't think it could work for a girl.As for the combos, I do like Kieran Noelle, but I think it would be better as Keira Noelle.
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All boy to me. I've never seen it on a girl.
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I like Kieran. It has that trendy sound, but overall, I think it's a good name.I would use it for a boy or a girl, but I'm leaning towards girl. The sound of it is slightly more feminine than masculine, at least to me.
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That's what I think too. It sounds so much like Keira to me that I thinknits feminine. But I think we're two of few people who would agree lol
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Masculine ONLY. Kieran Samuel
Kieran Silas
Kieran Jacob
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Thanks. I like Kieran Samuel.
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Masculine!Kieran is 100% masculine to me. Although I prefer the original spelling, Ciarán.Keira or Ciara for a girl.
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Thanks I like Keira better too but can't use it:(
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Well, I prefer it on a boy but I don't think it's unusable on a girl. I actually like all your combos. Kieran Ava has sort of an odd flow to it if you say it kind of fast though. Like all one name. Kieran Claire is my favourite :)
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haha thats actually what i thought about kieran ava too but i thought i'd just put it up there to see what everyone else thinks lol looks like im not alone.I like the sound of Kieran Claire best as well(:
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No, no, no! The pool of male names is shrinking faster than the North Pole. If it worked in reverse I wouldn't feel so strongly. There are so many great feminine names out there, why poach names from parents of little boys like this? Ciaran / Kieran is pure boy to me. But I appreciate that you didn't try to spell it Keiran (ick). You get opints from me for that. :-)
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haha well hey i have some my case i feel like the guys names i have picked out are so solid that im experimenting with the girls names because i dont have as definite of a favorites list as i do with boys names.
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It's nice on a boy, but for a girl I'd go with Karin or Karen if you can't use Keira. They both go nicely with all of your middle names, imo.
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Karen is too old sounding in my opinion. I like the keer sound better than the care sound if that make sense. but thanks.
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I've seen it on a girlas Kiran, an East Indian name.Of the combos you have listed, I like Kieran Ava the best. Ava matches girl-Kieran's edginess and almost-androgyny (I don't see Ava as frilly-feimine at all, but rather an energetic, boyish name, no clue why). The other names make the fact that Keiran is generally a boy's name glaringly obvious, and they look awkward together - like Gregory Annabelle or Howard Emily.As for myself, I just wouldn't use it at all, it's not my style. Too plastic-pretty.
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i see what you mean, thanks
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me tooexcept Kiran here is said ki-ran, and Kieran for boys is KEER-on.I know three Kiran's, the only one with a MN I know is Kiran Jayanthi (which I think is on this site as Jayanti).
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yeah I defintiely like the keer-in pronunciation best
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BOY only!I love Kieran, on a BOY. Kieran is NOT a girls name, use Kiera instead. Kiera Emmeline, Kiera Noelle and Kiera Isabel would be adorable, but Kieran on a girl is just wrong...
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Can't use Keira, someone else in the family is Kira. but I love that name whig is why I got thinking about Kieran instead.
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