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[Games] Re: Congrats With Rules: Final Round

DH: William AlexanderWill
DW: Amanda Charlotte "Mandy"
DS: Alexander AidenAlex
DS: Aaron Edward
DD/DS: Abigail PeaceAbby” / Andrew JusticeAndy
DD: Allison ElisabethAlly
DS: Abel Antonio
DS: Dylan Michael
DD: Charlotte EvelynCarly
DS/DD/DS: Tyler Nicolas / Paige Elina / Paul Evan
DD: Sarah Grace “Sarie”
DS: Patrick JohnWill (52) and Mandy (48)
Alex (19), Aaron (18), Abby (17), Andy (17), Ally (13), Abel (12), Dylan (10), Carly (8), Tyler (6), Paige (6), Paul (6), Sarie (3), Patrick (1)
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