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[Games] Re: Congrats With Rules: Final Round
Ha! I could name my son Kelly Kelly. *smacks head* That would be too mean.Seda*
DH: James Matthew
DW: Jessica EllieJessie
DD: Jola Esmeralda
DD: Juliette Emmaline
DS/DS: Josiah Mercy / Jocelyn Merit
DD: Annika BrianneAnka
DS: Jasper James
DD: Melantha Belle
DD: Eleanor Sienna
DS/DS/DD: Ciaran Sebastian / Blair Etienne / Rosie Filippa
DS: Hollis Leander
DS: Dominic KellyDominic Monaghan (from LOST and The Lord of the Rings) and Kelly, my best friend.Thanks for hosting this! It was a lot of fun. :)-Seda*

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