[Opinions] WDYTO Belphoebe?
Is it too weird?Do you like it? I think it's great, but I want to know what other people think.
It has a ring to it, but I don't think it would sound well for an actual person. However, Phoebe is one of my favorites.
hmmm, it seems slightly awkward. Like two names shoved together.
I really really like it. It is super weird, and maybe that's why. But it's from literature and that's just awesome.
Yay Belphoebe. It's really hard to work into combos though, I find.
Yay Belphoebe. It's really hard to work into combos though, I find.
I recently developed a fondness, however tenuous, for Belphoebe -- it's so delightfully whimsical!
I think it has a cool sound and a neat princessy feel. It's definitely good as a GP, but I think it'd be over the top in real life (at least as a first name).