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It's a nice name. Eugene Victor, Albrecht and August are awesome!
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I find it very awkward on a boy, but I love Eugenie on a girl. I like the Russian form of Evgeny.
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I love Eugenie, but I don't like Eugene at all. But flippin heck I love Somerled.
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As Eugene is quite dated and 'nerdy' I think it needs a more "modern" sounding middle name. I do like it though.I like Eugene Marius, Eugene Miles and Eugene Rasmus.Some others...Eugene Alexander
Eugene Daniel
Eugene Matthew
Eugene Thomas
Eugene William
Eugene Samuel
Eugene Caleb
Eugene Dominic
Eugene Fraser
Eugene Micah
Eugene Patrick
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I like Eugene Theodore. I find Eugene to be very classic and handsome.
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Eugene Maxwell and Eugene Elliott are both handsome!
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Not really into it, but I love Evzen and Yevgeniy. Of your combos I like (love *)Eugene Alaric *
Eugene Alastair
Eugene Ambrose
Eugene Arthur
Eugene Boris
Eugene Ferdinand * (reminds me of gold for some reason!)
Eugene Icarus *
Eugene Marius
Eugene Rasmus
Eugene Silas
Eugene Theodore
Eugene Victor *
Eugene Vladimir *
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Eugene is dated and rather nerdy, IMO. Eugene Somerled is pretty cool, though. It sounds like the name some intellectual in the 1920s would've had.
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I agree ...Eugene is too dated at least where I live. It's just country, po-dunk for me :o/ I dated someone years ago named Justin Eugene and he was SO ashamed of his mn and quite honestly, I couldn't blame him. Horrid of me? Yes, but it just is foe me lol. So sorry :o(
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I also really enjoy Eugene, but on a girl, isn't that awful of me! I just adore its intensely nerdy and sensible wool sweater vibe. I can see him wearing skinny jeans and judging the harshness of the world from behind his Poindexter glasses and writing beat poetry about local cashiers. Truly a modern genius. Eugene Barnaby
Eugene Casper - YES!
Eugene Ferdinand
Eugene Filip - I thought this said Eugene Flip: I think Eugene Flip is astonishingly awesome! It gives the name a fabuous beatnik quality
Eugene Milo
Eugene Oscar
Eugene Theodore
Eugene Waldo
Eugene WilburMight I also offer:Eugene Dexter
Eugene Montgomery
Eugene Homer
Eugene Francis
Eugene Simon
Eugene Crispin
Eugene Abner
Eugene Alphonsus
Eugene Ignatius
Eugene Felix
Eugene Jasper
Eugene Julius

This message was edited 1/28/2010, 12:52 PM

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Eugene on a girl! It would have never crossed my mind but with the English pronounciation, I can see it working. And then I would totally agree with your description - on a girl. Formidably nerdy.
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"Formidably nerdy" - I really like that. Well summed up! Formidably nerdy indeed.
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I like Eugene, but it is not a name I'd use. I think it is charming, though maybe a little nerdy. ;)Out of your combos, I like:
Eugene Alastair
Eugene Ambrose - my favorite; it's handsome
Eugene Arthur
Eugene August
Eugene Cosmo - quirky; I like it
Eugene Maxwell
Eugene Olaf
Eugene Tybalt
Eugene Ulrich
Eugene Wallace
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