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I really like Zinnia. I don't know if I'd use it, simply because I have other Z names I prefer. I like girls names that start with Z for some reason. They're funky without being too too crazy.I like:
Zinnia Beatrix
Zinnia Blythe
Zinnia Celeste
Zinnia Charlotte
Zinnia Clare
Zinnia Delphine* fave
Zinnia Dolores
Zinnia Florence
Zinnia Frances
Zinnia Geraldine* right up there by Delphine; it has such an old timey charm
Zinnia Helene
Zinnia Josephine
Zinnia Lenore
Zinnia Loveday
Zinnia Lucasta
Zinnia Lucille
Zinnia Mabel - cuteee
ZInnia Margot
Zinnia Martine
Zinnia Mary
Zinnia Mathilde
Zinnia Pearl
Zinnia Prudence
Zinnia Rachel
Zinnia Ruth
Zinnia Sophie

This message was edited 3/18/2010, 10:33 AM

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I have always quite loved it actually. Now I know someone named Finnia and I could never use it because it's practically the same!!
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Ha i love your adjectives.
Yeah it's nice! I have been thinking about it recently too, only the past few days.
Wow I'm sorry my feedback is so bad. Z names are the best.
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I think Zinnia is not my very favorite name, but it is extremely lovely and it's really great when you truly think about it!My favorites of yours:*Zinnia Blythe
Zinnia Clarice
Zinnia Cecily
*Zinnia Celeste
Zinnia Marcelle
*Zinnia MaxineAll the starred names are tied as #1 in the list

This message was edited 3/17/2010, 4:09 PM

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I love Zinnia Dolores!
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I really like Zinnia. It's one of my favorite floral names.I think it would take the right kind of girl/woman to pull it off, though.I like...Zinnia Beatrix
Zinnia Charlotte
Zinnia Clare
Zinnia Clarimonde
Zinnia Clementine
Zinnia Clothilde
Zinnia Corisande
Zinnia Delphine
Zinnia Frances
Zinnia Helene
Zinnia Josephine
Zinnia Lenore
Zinnia Martine
Zinnia Mathilde
Zinnia Maude
Zinnia Maxine
Zinnia Melisande
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I don't like it. Sorry. I like most floral name.s, but not this one

This message was edited 3/17/2010, 2:27 PM

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J'adore Zinnia LoveOut of yours I like withOpal, Maude, Josephine, Delphine, Corisande & Clairmonde

This message was edited 3/17/2010, 2:10 PM

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I agree, woefully neglected! My mom once had a student whose last name included "zinn" and she called her "Zinnia" all the time - the girl hated it! Ingrate. I enjoy these:Zinnia Beatrix
Zinnia Bethsabée
Zinnia Blythe - so fresh and breezy
Zinnia Charlotte
Zinnia Clare
Zinnia Dolores - super cute
Zinnia Florence
Zinnia Gladys - right ON
Zinnia Gretel - adorable
Zinnia Helene
Zinnia Josephine
Zinnia Laetitia
Zinnia Loveday (whimsyyyy) - love the whimsy
Zinnia Lucille - I love the inn-ill
Zinnia Lucy
Zinnia Marjorie - oh Marjorie!
Zinnia Martine
Zinnia Maude - looove this
Zinnia Mildred
Zinnia Opal
Zinnia Petronel
Zinnia Ruth
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