[Opinions] Triplet boys?
What would you name triplet boys if you had to use the same initals for all three?Here are mine.Kaden Jasper
Kolton Joah
Kagen JosiahThanks
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Hmmm..Atticus, Abel and Amos.
Jasper, James and Jonah.
Reed, Rowan and Robert.
or more likely:
Milo, Morgan and Montgomery 'Monty'.

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Fergus Damien
Franklin David
Fraser Digby
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I wouldn't use the same initials. I find it tacky and trite.Isaac James
Benjamin Arthur
Samuel Peter
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Oh wow. Personally, I would never use the same initials - even for FNs - for triplets/multiples. Deacon Remy
Dexter Roman
Dalton Ridley
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I won't use the combo we have set aside for our son, as that's a surprise! So without using that I like:Jesse Milo
Jude Moses
Jonah Maximilian
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I like em'
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I'm pretty sure I'm in love with all three of your names. :)
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These are gorgeous!
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I like Jasper and Josiah, but the first names are way too close for single sinblings, let alone multiples. Kagen doesn't even sound like a name, just someonbe with a cold trying to say Kaden. I do like Kaden though.August Malachi
Asa Matthias
Atticus Micahor maybe...Levi Oliver
Luca Octavian
Liron Oscaror even...Micah Solomon
Matthias Sidney
Morgan Schuyleror I might even go with...Jasper Moses
Josiah Morgan
Jet Mordecai

This message was edited 3/27/2010, 5:59 AM

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Fritz Franz and Felix kills me. Kills me dead!
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These are excellent! I love Fritz so much :o)
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Jonathan Cole
Jayden Christopher
Jude Cillian
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These are WAY too close for siblings, but just to amuse myself:Alfred Odilon
Albert Oleander
Algernon OscarAlfie, Allie, and Algie.
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Ashley Jacob Evander
Ari Joscelin Ezra
Azrael Jadon Edwardooor
Morgan Skyler
Mordecai Storm
Morpheus Sage
(though perhaps the first names are too similar.)
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Morgan Skyler?
Mordecai Storm?I just have one question...will you marry me? They are totally awesome. I like all the names, but those two in particular...WOW.
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August Edmund
Ambrose "Amos" Ezequiel
Alasdair EphraimBy the way, I love Joah!*edit* Okay, I don't know why I totally missed the middle name needing to be the same letters, too. That's probably a sign I should go to bed.

This message was edited 3/26/2010, 7:15 PM

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Hmmm. I'll go with D SDaniel Seth
David Simon
Darcy Shane
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