[Opinions] Ruby or Ruth?
Which do you prefer?Time to separate the wheat from the chaff. ;)
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RuthRuth is strong and sensible and attractive to me for both those reasons. There's something very clean and wholesome about it, and I don't think it's ever going to sound dated. Ruby was trendy the first time around and it's trendy the second time around, and there's something a bit flashy about it to me.
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Ruth!My boyfriend mentioned that he liked it once and ever since then I've really liked it. I think it's nice and recognizable but not common or trendy. Plus, I really like Ruthie for a nickname.Ruby is nice too, but I think Ruth is better.
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RuthRuthie is a darling NN.
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Ruth.I'm tired of seeing Ruby everywhere.
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RuuuubyI can't get into Ruth though in theory I should like it. I suspect a foul Ruth in my shadowy past who is to blame. Plus I've always loved Ruby.
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Foul Ruth would be a good name for a grunge band.
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It really would
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Both!! But I guess Ruby.
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I prefer Ruby.Ruth sounds plain and drab.
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Ruby, it's prettier. Ruth's ok but a but harsh-sounding.
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RuthRuby is childish.
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dittoRuby sounds childish. Ruth travels through youth, middle age, and onwards in life better.
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RubyI really cannot stand the name Ruth. It is not remotely attractive to me at all.
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I really like both of them. They've each spent some time on my list. I think Ruth is a "better" name in general because it's a heritage sort of name, a "classic." It's a traditional-values name, and sounds conservative. Ruby is a modern-values name - it's about beauty and desirability. That alone makes it weaker.If I had to pick one, though, for myself or my daughter, I'd pick Ruby. Because for one thing, I'm unpretentious. So a weaker name can't bring me down, haha. And for another thing, Ruth smacks too much of a heritage that doesn't resonate much with me. It's kinda Biblical, and comes from Hebrew. It would miss the mark, in my family. Ruby is a pretty rock, and that works okay for me. I wouldn't use it anyway because it's a little too sensuous for my taste.

This message was edited 4/2/2010, 10:27 AM

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Ruth. I do also like Ruby a lot, but between the two, Ruth sounds like it would age better.
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Definitely RuthRuby is so overused where I live and I'm sick of hearing/seeing it. I like Ruth a lot though :)
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RuthIt's much more mature and grounded to me. Ruby is all cutesy-posh.
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Ruth.I'm all for the "classics" ;)
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Most definitely: Ruth.Reasons:- Ruby makes me think of an old single woman living in a house with 80 cats who has gone nuts and wears lots of ruby red lipstick and fake ruby jewelery.
- most jewel names tend to sound cheap after some time (Crystal, Jade, Amber) even though I still think Jade is kind of pretty.
- it generally makes me think of someone crazy
- and of fake jewelery
- it sounds cutesy
- it is getting way too commonI like Ruth because,- it's simple
- it's underused and strong
- it could never sound cheapSorry, I just have really strong negative feelings for Ruby. Not trying to insult anyone, just my opinion.

This message was edited 4/2/2010, 8:37 AM

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I agree 100%
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It depends on what "feel" you are going for.For me Ruby is more fun, while Ruth is more serious. Much like Anna and Anne.I would go with Ruth, but I really do not feel like you can make a bad decision between the two.
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I prefer the sweetness and warmth of Ruby.

This message was edited 4/2/2010, 8:36 AM

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Ruby. Ruth is one of the plainest, dullest, ugliest names ever.
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