I came across these two names and was wondering where they originate.
SEFORA reminds me both of ZIPPORA and SAPHIRA. I know that the woman has Italian as well as British and German roots.
With TABERA I have no clue, all I know is that the woman I read about is German.
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Thank you so much for your help! (nm) Andy ;—)
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I'm pretty sure Sefora or Zefora exists as an Italian form of Zippora. Primo Levi mentions it in "The Periodic Table" discussing names in his family. But it's not common at all, though some Jews might use it.
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This should be under OP:-)One of my name books has the male name Taber listed as a form of Tabor. Tabor is Hungarian for 'encampment' or Hebrew 'misfortune, bad luck'. It's a name of a mountain in Israel. Other forms are Tab, Tabb, Taibor, Tavor, Taybor and Tayber. ETA: I've also found Tabera as a Spanish last name.

This message was edited 4/11/2010, 2:09 PM

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