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[Facts] Names to do with Evil and betrayel
Hello Everyone, My friend and I are writing a short story and I was wondering if any of you guys know anynames that might have to do with Destruction, Mayhem, Evil, Betrayel and Backstabber stuff like that?it doesn't matter of what background it is or of genderThanks.
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She was a evil girl person
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You can always useJudas (or Judah).
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Judah is the head of the tribe of Judah. Period.
The traitor is Judas.
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Judas is the Greek form of Judah. Judah is the English form of Yehudah. In the Hebrew Bible they're both called the same: Yehudah. (The man who betrayed Jesus is called "Yehudah Ish Krayot".)
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On a graduation programme a few days ago, there was a woman whose first name is Guilty.
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