I watch way too much TV. And it's weird how so many people who end up on TV seem to have wacked out names, or spellings.
On Maury, a young mother named her daughter Breonna. I guess to make sure no one called her Bre-ANNE-ah???
Next is Kasydi from Party/Party. Shoot me now.
Cassidy I don't care for, but it's 100 times worse as Kasydi.
Then meet cousings
Brittany and Bryttani from Made. They are the same age so I guess the mom's loved the name
Brittany so much that they had to use it and one had to be different. Clever huh? Right.
EDIT: Typo
* pronounced EH-vah =)
Elijah Morris 6.23.99
Miguel 6.29.05
#3 EDD 7.09.06
This message was edited 12/15/2005, 1:49 PM