[Opinions] Luana
What do you think of the Germanic name Luana? It means "gracious warrior". What middle names would you pair with Luana?

oh you poor girl
Oh you poor girl? Could you please construct your answer in a complete sentence using proper capitalisation, punctuation and grammar? I tire so easily of having to play the English professor to all the impertinent children of the internet who should be off doing their Hooked on Phonics homework rather than displaying their idiocy in a place where intelligent conversation tries to take place.


I think it was Don's tactless way of saying that Luana is *not* a Germanic name (click on the name, but actually it's not even necessary to click on it to see that the name is not Germanic, because Germanic female names have a different construction and so on). Wherever did you get that idea? From a bad, unreliable baby book or site?
Luana is an "old" Germanic name (not found much if at all in the present day German-speaking countries or the Netherlands). It can also be a word in Hawai'ian (meaning "to be at leisure with one's surroundings") or even a contraction of the names Lou and Anna. The Dutch Royal family recently used the obscure name themselves when Prince Johan-Friso and his wife Mabel bestowed it upon their daughter Emma Luana Sophie Ninette whom they call Luana. It also helps that I speak German and am familiar with names that are etymologically German (and some Flemish and Dutch names). I've been studying them for years and am well-versed in their origins. Before I post anything on this board, I do my research. I try hard not to look like a moron, but there are times which I admit I could be wrong about meanings and origins.
I've noticed that while this site is an excellent resource for names (amid other sites who seem like they pull meanings and origins out of a hat), I've found that there are some names that have additional meanings or origins such as Luana and Anina (which can be a German pet form of Anne/Anna as well as a Hebrew name meaning "answer my prayer"). Just because this site doesn't list those other name's meanings and/or origins doesn't mean that I'm off the wall wrong. I think before people are tactless and rude, they should do a bit of research to see if there's a possibility that I may be *right*. If I'm wrong, then I accept correction.

I've noticed that while this site is an excellent resource for names (amid other sites who seem like they pull meanings and origins out of a hat), I've found that there are some names that have additional meanings or origins such as Luana and Anina (which can be a German pet form of Anne/Anna as well as a Hebrew name meaning "answer my prayer"). Just because this site doesn't list those other name's meanings and/or origins doesn't mean that I'm off the wall wrong. I think before people are tactless and rude, they should do a bit of research to see if there's a possibility that I may be *right*. If I'm wrong, then I accept correction.