[Facts] Kaori
I read this name in the program of a concert that I have been participating in. It is female, with possible Aisan origins- does anyone know any more about it? The exact origin? The meaning and prn.? Thanks in advance.

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It is a Japanese name, though it may also be a name in other languages. The meaning varies depending on what characters are used to write it.
Pronounced kah-OH-ree. In English, the name is more often pronounced KAY-or-ee.
The whole word "Kaori" means "aroma", "fragrance", "scent", or smell" (this is the meaning that is most often accepted in instances of use in English speaking families) Kaori can also be broken into elements
"Ka" can mean "increase","addition", "beautiful","good","excellent", or "worth" (among others)
"Ori" can mean "chance" (among other things)
"Kao" means "face" (as in a person's face)
"Ri" can mean "clever" (among other, less appealing, meanings)
Each of the above three paragraphs represent a set of meanings you can make, each one of which is valid as a real name.
Pronounced kah-OH-ree. In English, the name is more often pronounced KAY-or-ee.
The whole word "Kaori" means "aroma", "fragrance", "scent", or smell" (this is the meaning that is most often accepted in instances of use in English speaking families) Kaori can also be broken into elements
"Ka" can mean "increase","addition", "beautiful","good","excellent", or "worth" (among others)
"Ori" can mean "chance" (among other things)
"Kao" means "face" (as in a person's face)
"Ri" can mean "clever" (among other, less appealing, meanings)
Each of the above three paragraphs represent a set of meanings you can make, each one of which is valid as a real name.
Kaori is written as Kawori in Japanese. Kawori is the old pronunciation of Kaori.
Do you know which characters are used to write it?
With all the talk about Kaori lately, i've become interested in it. I've managed to find some examples of the name Kaori written in kanji and hiragana, but I can't seem to find any real examples of people named Kawori.
With all the talk about Kaori lately, i've become interested in it. I've managed to find some examples of the name Kaori written in kanji and hiragana, but I can't seem to find any real examples of people named Kawori.
I doubt it helps a lot, but there are a few anime characters with the name. The one that comes to mind is the Kaori from Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon.
It appears to be a japanese name but I have no idea if any of these meanings are correct


This message was edited 12/17/2005, 4:09 PM
It looks like a Maori name although it may not be. But I found on the net it's pronounced kah-OH-ri.