[Opinions] Violet?
Does it remind you too much of the word Violent? It's been growing on me slowly and it's creeping up my list. It sounds so pretty to me.

This message was edited 7/30/2010, 6:30 AM

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Doesn't make me think of 'violent', no. I just think of the color and the pretty little flowers.
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I've heard others say it's too close to violent, but personally it doesn't bother me. I don't associate it with violence.I used to adore it, if you can't tell by my posting name, but now I'm starting to find it a little predictable and boring. I still really like it, but it has dropped on my list.
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I love Violet. Very elegant and dark, which I love in a name. Doesn't sound like violent too much to me, really - I don't see it there. Violate is closer, actually, I think... which is equally bad, but still.I wouldn't let that get in the way - it's a truly gorgeous name.
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I love it; violets are my favorite flowers! I'm really picky about name sounds, and "violet" sounds like "violent," but I still don't mind. I suspect it's creeping up a lot of people's lists; it seems to be getting more popular these days, but with good reason!
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I've always liked Violet. I think it's pretty and feminine. I'd consider it for my first child if a friend of my DH's hadn't already named his daughter that (and then she died of SIDS, so I'd really feel uncomfortable).
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It used to, but now I really like it. I think it's sweet and refreshing to hear after so many Lilys (though it might become just as popular).
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It does but then it doesn't. Its a pretty name to look at but where I'm from it does sound a tad like "violent."
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I love Violet! I would love to use it on my own child one day. I've never thought about it's closeness to violent. It doesn't remind me of that at all.
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