[Opinions] Twin Names
I wasn't sure where to put this, but a good set of names for twins is Callista and Victoria. Put together, they mean Most Beautiful Victoriy. Other variations, such as Linda and Victoria (Beautiful Vicotory) and masculine forms of the names work too. I don't know a masculing form of Callista or Linda, but there must me some masculine names meaning Beautiful, and it's Victor for Victoria. Another good set of twin names works only for two girls: Melodie and Harmony. I guess that's just my two cents.
Pet Peeve...
Why do people insist on giving twins "themed" names? This isn't just in response to this new person, either, I say this every time a twin themey set pops up.
Anyway, they are two distinct people deserving of two distinct identities and thus two seperate names. If you must impose this link on them, at least do it as a mn where they can choose to embrace or ignore it more easily than were it their fn's.

Why do people insist on giving twins "themed" names? This isn't just in response to this new person, either, I say this every time a twin themey set pops up.
Anyway, they are two distinct people deserving of two distinct identities and thus two seperate names. If you must impose this link on them, at least do it as a mn where they can choose to embrace or ignore it more easily than were it their fn's.

If the "theme" or link isn't obvious, what's the problem? I see nothing wrong with any siblings having names that link them in some way, as long as it is well thought out, tasteful, and the names are loved by the parents. Not to mention, some people who aren't as name-nerdy as many BtN posters, may name their children names with similiar meanings without realizing it.
Take for instance, siblings named Naomi Lilith, Miriam Eve, and Caleb Aaron. These names were picked, and the connection discovered later. (Not the biblical one in general, I knew they were all biblical, but the connections between the biblical characters).
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Take for instance, siblings named Naomi Lilith, Miriam Eve, and Caleb Aaron. These names were picked, and the connection discovered later. (Not the biblical one in general, I knew they were all biblical, but the connections between the biblical characters).
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I agree(m)
Twins(or other multiples) are linked in a way that most other siblings are never linked. They should have a more speacial name, imo, than just names that go well together..they should mean something or have some connection. It doesn't have to be obvious or cutesie, as long as the parents like it and it's not a thing that's going to drag the children down in later situations(such as older twins I know named Harold and Theodore, but called Harry and Terri).
I actually like connecting them, but not in a way that makes people cringe and think "poor children". Just a way that they know and most people would pick up on automatically or by middle name.

"Fleece" Navidad!
Twins(or other multiples) are linked in a way that most other siblings are never linked. They should have a more speacial name, imo, than just names that go well together..they should mean something or have some connection. It doesn't have to be obvious or cutesie, as long as the parents like it and it's not a thing that's going to drag the children down in later situations(such as older twins I know named Harold and Theodore, but called Harry and Terri).
I actually like connecting them, but not in a way that makes people cringe and think "poor children". Just a way that they know and most people would pick up on automatically or by middle name.

"Fleece" Navidad!
So twins are more special than other children?
I am a twin, and I know what it's like, so speaking from experience on this one, I am just saying that it is something that bothers me. Twins have a hard enough time being viewed as seperate individuals in the first place. Connecting names does not help that cause.
I didn't say that there was anything wrong in general with connecting them (like as a mn as I said earlier), but I dislike it when it is sickeningly obvious or forced on them as with themey fn's.
Also Jaime, I was referring to when parents do it on purpose with twins to be cute. Other sibsets or subtle connects are a different story. I specified this in my original post.

I am a twin, and I know what it's like, so speaking from experience on this one, I am just saying that it is something that bothers me. Twins have a hard enough time being viewed as seperate individuals in the first place. Connecting names does not help that cause.
I didn't say that there was anything wrong in general with connecting them (like as a mn as I said earlier), but I dislike it when it is sickeningly obvious or forced on them as with themey fn's.
Also Jaime, I was referring to when parents do it on purpose with twins to be cute. Other sibsets or subtle connects are a different story. I specified this in my original post.

This message was edited 12/19/2005, 9:09 PM
Alan, Kevin and Kenneth mean "handsome"
But I prefer twin's names which both mean the same thing.
Andrew and Charles: both mean "man"
Matthew and Jonathan: both mean "Gift of God"
Theodore and Nathanael: both also mean "God's gift"
Jonah and Callum: both mean "dove"
Aurora and Roxanne: both mean "dawn"
Cynthia and Selena: both mean "moon"
Eva and Zoé: both mean "life"
Daphne and Laura: both mean "laurel"
Paloma and Jonas: both mean "dove"
Irene and Solomon: both mean "peace"
Melanie and Douglas: both mean "dark"
Atarah and Stephen: both mean "crown"
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
But I prefer twin's names which both mean the same thing.
Andrew and Charles: both mean "man"
Matthew and Jonathan: both mean "Gift of God"
Theodore and Nathanael: both also mean "God's gift"
Jonah and Callum: both mean "dove"
Aurora and Roxanne: both mean "dawn"
Cynthia and Selena: both mean "moon"
Eva and Zoé: both mean "life"
Daphne and Laura: both mean "laurel"
Paloma and Jonas: both mean "dove"
Irene and Solomon: both mean "peace"
Melanie and Douglas: both mean "dark"
Atarah and Stephen: both mean "crown"
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I'd have to agree with you on the Melody and Harmony thing. It was about midnight last night when I wrote that, so I wasn't quite thinking clearly. I actuall know a set of twins named Callista and Victoria, and I thought it was cool that their names meant Beautiful Victoriy, even if that was accidental. I like it when twin's names are connected, especially when the connection is not obvious. Melody and Harmony is definately too much.