What's with the explosion of twin threads lately? Jeesh...

What's with the explosion of twin threads lately? Jeesh...

yeah kinda rhymey, but that doesn't bother me as much as the twin thing where the twins' names start with the same sound/letter. i think the rhyming is kinda cute, since it's only the middle names that rhyme.
I find it annoying when twins have rhyming names or start with the same letter. I know two sets of twins, one with the names Kirsty & Kayleigh, and the others are Kyle and Connor (at least they didn't go for Kyle & Konnor). I also went to school with a Penny & Paula. Penny started using her middle name instead, which was Marie.
I don't think so. Cassandra and Alexandra end int -andra, but they are mn, and if you prounounce Cassandra like I do (cah-SAN(rhymes with Han)-dra instead of Cass-ANN-dra) then the rhyme is less noticable. These names are fune for twins, if a bit dull, imo.

It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think

It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think