[Opinions] Dean?
I'm kinda liking Dean lately. WDYT? I would most likely use it in the middle name slot- And currently my fave boys name is Owen. Owen Dean... does it flow?
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i love Dean... :D
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Dean goes well as a middle name with a lot of names, but I don't think it sounds right with Owen because both names are really short.
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rather neutral on Dean... Nice that it's not too overused... Wouldn't pair it w/ Owen though... 2 names ending in n in a row doesn't sound so hot.
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Owen Dean's nice. I like Owen and I'm loving Dean especially as a middle name. I have an uncle Philip Dean and my combo is Samuel Dean.
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I never thought of that one, but it does make a nice middle name especially. Less old than John or Luke or Mark, less popular than Jack, not overused like James. I like it. Owen Dean sounds good to me, but I'm not sold on how it looks as both names are four letters and end in 'n'. Could still be okay though if your last name is a bit longer and doesn't end in 'n'.
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Aw, boo. Last name is 5 letters, one syllable, and ends in "n". But you're right, the 'n' thing, I don't like. Thanks for pointing it out!Maybe it would work better as a middle name for some of my other favorites:Jasper Dean
Augustus Dean
Hudson Dean (Again, the 'n' endings)
Nicholas Dean
Oliver Dean (I really like this one!)
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Nicholas Dean and Oliver Dean are really nice.
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Jasper, Oliver or Nicholas (in that order since Nicholas is super-popular these days and Oliver a bit more than before) could be good. Not a fan of Augustus at all. (makes me think of Augustus Gloop from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", but even w/out that it lacks appeal)... Hudson on a boy is ok if paired w/ something not ending in n.
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Wow weird. The Dean I know's middle name is Nicholas and was almost named Oliver.
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Sorry to burst your bubble. :o(
Jasper Dean and Oliver Dean are amazing though!
Nothing wrong with Augustus Dean and Nicholas Dean either, those first names just aren't my style.
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I've always disliked Dean. I always think of beans when I hear it. It's respectable, I suppose, but certainly doesn't appeal to me.
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Dean. Strong. Masculine. Handsome. And a surname that is palatable. I like the idea of using it as a first name. Owen I'm getting tired of though Owen Dean flows well. Its just not as striking as Dean himself.
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Dean is a fine name. It's probably not one that would grab me as a favorite for a first name, but I'm thinking now that, as a middle name, Dean just might brighten some first names that aren't usually my style...maybe something say like Satchel or Edgar or Bertram or Cedrick or Ignatius.Satchel Dean
Edgar Dean
Bertram Dean
Cedrick Dean
Ignatius Dean (nope, not helping me even a little here...hehe) And now these are popping into my head, but they are names I like outright already:Jasper Dean
Axel Dean
Campbell Dean (have Campbell Dane on my list from long ago, but I like this far better; whatever was I thinking?!)As for your Owen Dean, I think it flows very nicely and I don't find it boring at all. :)
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That's ok... not sure Ignatius could be helped.
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Ooh, Jasper Dean is very nice!
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Wow this name is all over the place lately.Yeah it's cool. Very vivid, very dark-and-lean. For me it is an immediate sort of name, like a lot of attention gets sucked into those four letters, does that make sense? Like a person in the room that doesn't say anything but everyone is aware of. Of course I also am close a person named Dean who is like this.Owen Dean is fine but pretty boring IMO.
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I like Dean, but more as a middle name.Owen is nice, but I'm getting tired of hearing it.And yes, I think Owen Dean flows nicely.
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Love Dean! Very crisp and smart. Owen is okay. Owen Dean flows nicely.
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