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[Opinions] Re: Choose a Finnish middle name
in reply to a message by Bear
That's our problem with Inari as well
I thought it was pn ee-NAR-ee but was corrected by my midwife today. I mentioned the snow/rain thing to DP and he said he liked the idea of one MN for Scotland and one for Finland. Not sure I'm sold, but I do like the name Lumi.
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Is Rain, as a name, particulary Scottish? Or is it the two different weather patterns of the two contries that your dh is referring to? Just curious. (I kind of like his thinking now, if it's the latter.)
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Lumi is the one I like best, but I was also glitching over both "rain" and "snow" in the same name. *However*, honoring the climates of the two heritage countires does make sense to me. I'll have to file this for future reference...if one wants to honor but does not care for the names of the honorees or any variants, or the meanings or any synomynous names, try the weather. :)
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