[Opinions] Meadow
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I wouldn't use it at all, but it's ok on someone else's kid.However, if the person ws trying to narrow it down from this list, I'd narrow it down to these:Victoria Meadow
Keturah MeadowMeadow Therese
Meadow Estelle
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I like Meadow as a middle name. I like Zoe Meadow the best.
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Meadow is one of my GPs. I absolutely love it.Zipporah MeadowMeadow Estelle
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It is very pretty. My mom just mentioned it to me today, actually. I guess she was watching the Today show and there was a woman on it who plants meadows for people, and the interviewer said to the lady that she loves the word meadow (or meadows themselves, whichever) because so many things come to mind when you think of them. When I got up mom said that she thinks I should change my name to Meadow (I've been looking to change my name for a while now) because I'm interested in so many different things. I thought that was thoughtful of her, and decided to look into it. I'm pleased by how well Meadow goes with a lot of my favorite names. Meadow Estelle is one of my favorites.
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Meadow is beautifullike Meadow Louise the most
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I like Meadow Estelle and Meadow Wren. Meadow Octavia would be nice, too.
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