[Opinions] Holly or April?
Which name do you prefer Holly or April?
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I like both names, but I think that April has more flavor.
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April ages better imo.
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Holly. :)
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HollyMainly because I know several nice Hollys. But April is fine too.
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Hmm...April I think. Although they both have potential.
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AprilBut I love Holly too:-)
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HollyHolly--I see it used less. Both are equally nice in my book, but I've known quite a few Aprils.
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HollyIt's one of my favorite plant names.
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I prefer Holly.
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Holly, though I'm not madly in love with it. It's Christmassy but at least holly grows all through the year, whereas I would never use April for a non-April baby! The "ape" part of April puts me off.
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Holly, I suppose.I'd probably say Holly... I like them both equally, but if I had to use one I'd pick Holly because I prefer the feel of it.
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You made me chuckle when you mentioned preferring the feel of it...prickly plant.
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XD Well, it's predictable. Where I live, you never know what April is going to feel like... :P
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If I didn't know better, I'd think you were from Alberta (weather conditions that are consistently inconsistent... could have sun... could have snow... even had a freak snow storm in May when I was in gr. 5).
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Here, there was still had snow in early June last year...
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AprilI like Holly as well but I feel like April ages better than Holly
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Tough call......but I'm going with April.
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AprilIt's less common than Holly and a bit more mature.
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April,nt=no text
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AprilI know a few Hollys, not a fan of any of them.
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I think I like April a little more than Holly, but it depends what it's paired with and surname and sib-names... Wouldn't be a fan of sticking April w/ sisters May and/or June and Holly would be a little cheesy w/ sister Ivy.
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April, it's more interesting and less trendy than Holly, but I don't mind Holly either.
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If you pointed a gun at me, I'd go for April because it seems more energetic and lively.
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Definitely Holly
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