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[Facts] Lisa... or L'isa?
Reading the DaVinchi Code by Dan Brown speaks of the name Lisa, specifically about the Mona Lisa. One theory of the Mona Lisa is the painting is not of a woman, it is not supposed to be of either sex. Mona is actually an acronym of Amon, the Egyptian God of fertility, and represents masculinity. Lisa is from Isis, which is literally translated as L'Isa, who is the epitome of feminity. So, I was curious, could Lisa be derived from Isis? And don't nobody go thinking that this is just some bullsh*t novel and some guy made up some random crap in it to get a plot, bcz this is the most researched and enlightening novel I have ever read. Neways, thoughs neone?~SD
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There is something fishy about that theoryAccording to the Anagram Oracle,Mona lisa's smile = Male Isis salmon
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lol, that clears everything up for me : p
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Try a reputable art-history site, or preferably a decent book - non-fiction, for choice.My art-historical days are pretty distant, but I'm afraid that the words that spring to mind are not far from 'random, bullshit, crap'. What is more likely - an artist is commissioned to paint a rich guy's wife, or an artist, commissioned to paint a rich guy's wife, displays a sudden interest in playing Ancient Egyptian word games, regardless of the fact that hieroglyphics weren't going to be deciphered for centuries? Let's get just a little bit real, please.
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I don't know why you found my post offensive, but there is a huge theory surrounding the Christian religion that involves Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife. She was impregnated, moved to France where she was protected by a Jewish group. Her descendents married into French royalty, the Merovingian line. The Priory of Sion DOES exist, of which Da Vinci was a member, along with other prominent figures such as Sir Isaac Newton and Botichelli. The Priory exists/existed to protect the so-called descendents of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and support the sacred feminine, the lost half of Christianity.This isn't just a crazy notion dreamed up by an author to create an intriguing plot, there exists large amounts of resources on this theory. Books and texts, not just recent but centuries old have been written regarding the Priory of Sion, the true Grail and the true task of the Knights Templar. Just go look at somewhere like, the number of books is enormous. Plus, i have seen many tv shows on the topic done by well known historians and respectable media.My question was involving the possibility of Lisa from a literal translation of Isis, I just gave background of where I heard that from. I don't appreciate the rude way in which you addressed me, considering it is you who is wrong, and the theory is well developed and well supported. Many of Da Vinci’s paintings represent aspects of the sacred feminine, as he was part of the Priory. Mona Lisa is considered one of his greatest works, and to many is considered to be androgynous.In the future I would appreciate if you could keep your posts polite and about the question if you have nothing nice to say about the rest of the message.~ SD
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BTW, I don't think I said, or any references I read were to the translation being from hierogylphics. Egyptian mythology was known throught Greece and Rome.~SD
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Quick to defend, aren't you? :) Who knows what exactly went on in DaVinchi's head. What's the novel about, besides the theory?
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Basically two people that get stuck on a Grail quest. One of the main character's grandfather passed on and leaves a series of cryptic messages for her to find the Grail, despite a falling out she had with her grandfather, who had raised her. The book goes on the basis that the theory of Jesus' descendants marrying into French royalty happened, but the religious symbology and other various snipets of information I learned was astronomical. I plan on buying several books on the theories of the Knights Templar and the Sangreal documents to further my interests now. There was a particular tv show, that Da Vinci Code or something like that on I believe A&E. It reflected the idea of Mary Magdalene as the Grail, the Gnostic and Dead Sea scrolls as accurate reflections of Jesus' life. Did you know Mary Magdalene wrote a book of the bible that was taken out of the bible by Emporer Constantine of Rome? When Emperor Constantine decided to change Rome from pagan to Christian, he and his council voted that Jesus was to be seen as immortal and the son of God. The testements were changed to say that Jesus was the immortal son of God, and all human characteristics and interchanges were removed. The idea that Jesus was married was considered inappropriate to the emerging church which worked around a patriarchy, so the Gnostic scrolls and testments in the Dead Sea Scrolls were systimatical rounded up and burned. Anyways, this isn't really a good place to be discussing this, religion is a touchy subject. I sugest you read the book, and take any chances to learn about the true history of the Christian religion.~SD
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If all this facts that u highlighted are true, that emperor Constantine remove some other book that was wrote by Mary Magdalene in order to convert pagan to Christianity. My question here is where is the original book? Don't forget that Robert mention that, some of the sangrail document has been smuggling to France by priority of the Sion.
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