[Opinions] Mackenzie... for a boy?
Yes, this goes against everything that my namenerd-self has taught. But I'm liking Mackenzie, for a boy.Soon enough, I feel like we won't have any suitable names left for boys if this whole "naming your daughter a masculine name" thing keeps going on (no offense intended). I think that Mackenzie feels a lot fresher on a boy, whereas it has been overdone and overused for girls.I think that Mac/ Mack make cute nicknames as well. So... is it okay to use on a boy, do you think? What are your thoughts on Mackenzie overall? I know that by the time I have a child, it might be long-gone, but I'm just curious (besides, who knows if I'll ever use it anyways).Oh -- and also, while we're at it, what does everyone think of Oleksiy? (:Thank you!
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Love Mackenzie on a boy. Don't like Oleksiy at all though.
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I like Mackenzie for both sexes. I know it's taboo to like it for a girl 'round these parts, but I can't help it. I like what I like.A male Mackenzie would be refreshing, though. Mack is a cute NN.I don't know how to pronounce Oleksiy, so I don't have much of an opinion. What nationality is it? Russian, or Eastern European?
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Mackenzie is a great name for a boy (it and MacAllister are the only two Mac- names I like). I also like Mac as a nickname.I love Aleksei, not a fan of Oleksiy spelling (I pronounce them differently, btw).

This message was edited 10/25/2010, 12:50 PM

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I love Mackenzie for a boy. Mack/Mac has always been one of my favorites names (and Mick, I love Mick which could also be used for Mackenzie). I know I am in the minority on here, but I really enjoy surnames as FNs, mostly for boys. It makes them better if it is honoring...but I know more kids called by their surname than FN (mostly males which is probably why I can't really stand surnames on girls) anyway that it just seems natural.
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Do you hang around kids' sports teams by any chance? Just wondering 'cause that seems a standard place to find such patterns (boys addressing each other by surnames).
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I love Mackenzie! It makes so much more sense on a boy to me, it seems very masculine. I love how it seems very polished but rugged, too. If I had that surname in my family, I'd use it easily. I prefer Mike as a nn, though.Oleksiy is okay, but I prefer Aleksey.

This message was edited 10/25/2010, 4:41 AM

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I think it's fine for a boy (after all, it means "son of Coinneach"). It's especially nice if there's a familial connection.
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Personally, I don't like the who usage of obvious last names (like mac names) on anyone...

This message was edited 10/25/2010, 4:03 AM

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I usually agree, but Mckenzie's my one exception on that.
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Of course it's ok on a boy. While it SOUNDS cute on a girl, the meaning makes no sense on a girl, so it's better on a boy... and it's one of the few surnames I actually like as a fn... Think of Mackenzie Austin. Not too keen on the spelling of Oleksiy.Looks strange to me w/ the iy.btw. lol on your little Twighlight warning sign.
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Thank you - and glad you like the sig! (;
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I think Mackenzie is fantastic for a boy!
My ex is named Mackenzie nicknamed Mack, and while I don't like him much as a person, I do think his name is extremely hot. I LOOOOOOVED saying his name all the time (Mac had actually become my #2 boy name a week before we met). And even the association of an ex couldn't taint the name for me. I think it's very attractive and handsome. Mack is a great nickname too.Oleksiy... I don't mind it.
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Thank you!"I do think his name is extremely hot."xDD that made me smile!Anyways, I wasn't expecting such a positive reaction on Mackenzie! It's actually really fantastic for me that it didn't taint the name for you. Thanks for the input!
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