[Opinions] April.
I'm not sure why but April has suddenly popped into my head. I think it's such a sweet, innocent but pretty name. It's a bit unexpected, too. Opinions?
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April is one of my favorites! I agree with you: it is sweet, innocent and pretty. I also think it's sort of friendly and happy sounding. Unexpected, yes!
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For some reason, April sounds insubstantial to me. It's too light and fluffy. It also brings to mind someone who is irresponsible and frivolous, even though the April I once knew wasn't this way.
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I agree with you. I find April to be very innocent and sweet. It is also very pretty. I like. It's one of two month names that I like as names. The other is August, for a boy.
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I love April. It's familiar, not much used currently + it's my birth month so has special meaning.
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I like it. It's not unheard of, but not too common. And it's very sweet.
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I love the name April. I think you've got it right in saying it's a sweet, innocent but pretty name.
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I tink it's a great name. I have good associations with it as I know a beautiful 17 year old with this name, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met
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I think of it as lower middle class and a 70's name. I don't dislike it but it isn't a favorite.
It is a bit unexpected now and I guess I can see the sweetness aspect. I think it would depend on what it is paired with. Maybe something light, feminine, elegant.
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I'm considering it for my name list. I think it's sweet and young, but mature at the same time. Plus, it brings to mind spring, the season of new beginnings.
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I really like it too. I've known a couple of Aprils.
The only reason it isn't on my list is because the first syllable makes the sound APE. It's stupid, really, because that never crossed my mind the entire time I was friends with the two Aprils. Maybe it'd stop me from using it, but I don't think it should stop anyone.
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I think I like it. I wouldn't use it because it seems to have a risk of trendiness, even if it isn't actually that popular. It's sort of a bright/chipper name IMO. I'd group it with Chloe, Aspen, Lily, etc.
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