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[Opinions] January
What are your thoughts on the name January for a girl? There was a little girl on TV last night with schizophrenia (I've actually heard of her before) named January. She went by 'Jani'. I really like it. It reminds me of strawberry ice cream. What type of middle name would you pair with it?
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I went to high school with a girl whose MN was January (guess which month she was born in?).It's okay. I much prefer April, May, or June as far as month names go, but it isn't terrible.January Rose
January Jane
January Kate
January May (heh-heh)
January Pearl
January Fay
January Violet
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My birthday's in January! I always thought it would make a pretty name.January Opal
January Odette
January Zelda
January Alix
January Luna
January Lusine / Lucine
January Eirlys
January Jessamine
January Lark
January Mabel
January Circe
January Alecto
January Sylvaine
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Jones!January Jones plays Betty Draper on Mad Men. That makes it even more awesome as a name. I love love love the idea of a Jan being a secret January! Let me see. I would do something like...January Charlotte (so cherry red)
January Philippa
January Annabel (so silvery)
January Caroline
January Bettina
January Scarlet
January Violet
January Petronel
January Lavinia
January Belinda
January Evelyn
January Dagmar
January Liza
January Georgette
January Heloise (so Medieval!)
January Hedwig - I think this might be my favourite but I don't know why, exactly. It just seems so cozy with itself
January Willa
January Lydia
January Marjolaine
January Maud
January Rosaline
January Rosamund
January Cora
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Haaaaaaa January Dagmar!! If I ever write another novel THAT is my heroine. AMAZING.January Cora is so pretty and polished and dark and wonderful. Ugh you guys howamigonnachoose
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Isn't January Dagmar just so scrumptious?? I am having a bit of a mild Dagmar affair at the moment. I don't think you should choose. you should have a whole cabinetful of January combos to gaze upon and admire.
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I love the month of January - it is summer here - and can see it as a feminine name, surely, though I've never met a January.Some ideas I hope aren't repeats (Wordsmith listed many I love!):January Amaryllis
January Audeline
January Beatrix
January Cecile
January Domitille
January Estelle
January Frances
January Hesper
January Hester
January Isis
January Iris
January Jonquil
January Leopoldine
January Loveday
January Lucasta
January Millicent
January Plum
January Posy
January Violette
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Augh you guys need to stop giving me so many great combos because now I can't make up my mind. January Plum is sooooooo pretty and perfectly put together. January Jonquil is spunky and effervescent and rad. January Frances is heroic. You could call her JanFran.
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I've been thinking about January a lot lately! It really appeals to me -- it calls to mind a pristine, completely frozen sheet of ice.January Adele
January Agnes
January Althea
January Amalia
January Anthea
January Bess
January Bluma
January Blythe
January Camilla
January Cecilia
January Celestine
January Clothilde
January Clotilda
January Constance
January Cordelia
January Davina
January Delphine
January Demelza
January Edna
January Eliza
January Elspeth
January Emeline
January Estella
January Estelle
January Ethel
January Felicia
January Genevieve
January Hazel
January Hesper
January Hester
January Imelda
January Jemima
January Laetitia
January Letitia
January Lila
January Lisbet
January Liza
January Maud
January Maxine
January Melisande
January Millicent
January Philippa
January Phyllis
January Selma
January Sigrid
January Solveig
January Tess
January Thecla
January Viola
January Violet
January Wilhelmine
January Willa
January Zelda
January Zilpah
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ohhhJanuary Lila is so perfect. I think of pale-pale-pale hyacinth-lilac when I think of January and Lila has the same colour. Ohh I'm getting name-shivers from how perfect it is. I LOVE getting that feeling! Well done sir, as usual! :)
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Ooooh! January Adele! Reminds me of my combo Jonquil Mary Adele. They're both J*ary Adele, hehehe. Ignore me.January Constance is just dripping with drippingness. I loooove the contrast of the sonorous vowels with the consonant clusters, the strawberry ice cream pink with the currant red and black. It's like a little painting in my mind.January Agnes doesn't do it for me, but you've reminded me of my love for Agnes.This is why you're awesome!
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I love January as a first name. It's so neat and nice-sounding. It needs to be paired with a short, one-syllable middle name.
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I like January "Jani". January Maybelle, January Zinnia, January Io, January Belle, January Pearl, January Louise
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January Io is seriously nifty. Excellent.
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Love it.Don't know how good these combos will be. Hope you find something!January Genevieve
January Isobel / Isabelle
January Lenore
January Raisa
January Ruth
January Madeleine
January Gabrielle
January Delphine
January Marguerite
January France
January Berenice
January Hannah
January Marceline
January Jacqueline
January Susan
January Clemence
January Bernadette
January Bernadine
January Josephine
January Lynette
January Lucine
January Helen
January Elspeth
January Edith
January Jude
January Laurence
January Igraine
January Bertille
January Cynthia
January Cecilia
January Louise
January Lucretia
January Hespera
January Odile
January Estelle
January Lois
January Tirzah
January Apolline
January Ocean
January Wren
January Cleo
January Niamh
January Maude

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January Ruth and January Lenore are fantastic! I think that's just what January needs - a feminine, strong, classy, more traditional name to bring it back to earth. *Goes off to find more names like Ruth and Lenore*
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I saw a video on youtube of that little girl. The name caught my attention too and I actually quite like it. I mean, I consider it a gp because I find it hard to imagine actually giving this name to my just sounds too much like the month rather than a name. I feel this way about April too, actually. I can't really decide what I think of Jani as a nn. I think it could work on the right kind of person.For a middle name I would probably pair it with a one syllable name...maybe a virtue name. January Hope comes to mind, although I'm not sure if I like it. January Jean is another one that popped into my head but the double 'J' might be a little much. Other random names that came to mind...January Starr (sounds a little stripper-ish imho but Starr is a name I used to love as a kid so it kind of holds special meaning to me haha)January Joan (sounds like a movie title, perhaps? lol)January Laurel (not one syllable but it just came to mind)
January Lotus
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