[Opinions] Lincoln
What do you think of the name Lincoln? What nicknames would you use for this one? Would "Linc" be too tacky? Do you think it's an overall good, solid name?
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I am in college and I was working in the Taco Bell on campus for a while and we take names on orders when we are busy. Well one night two friends came in and the first one was named Lincoln and the other was Stuart! I was sooooo excited and it fit him very well.
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I like Lincoln. It's not too trendy, but it still has a modern vibe.
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I met a boy this summer named Lincoln and he wore the name well, He was 4 and it was cute but I could see it aging well too. He went by Linc actually which was endearing and kind of cool. It's fun to say outloud and stuck out from all the other Ryans and Alexs in the class. I like it, but the name does have a lot associated with it. The President, the car, and my honest to goodness first thought when I heard his name...logs lol But I do like it. It's unusual but everyone will be able to spell it and pronounce it. It goes along with the trendy Logan/Landon style but is unique and actually meaningful.
Also, my friend has a dog named Lincoln (my friend is a car enthusiast)...but he and the dog both like it too! lol
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Haha, That's cool! Meeting someone you like with that name always helps you with the name, i like that :) I actually originally thought of this name because of one of my favorite artists, Lincoln Brewster. It just has such a nice ring to it, and i'd never actually heard it before as a first name.
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I like Lincoln. If I were going to use that nick name I would just go ahead and spell it Link. However, I don't think Lincoln necessarily needs a nickname, which is rare for me because I'm big on nicknames.
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Yep, I love it, and yep, it's a good, solid name. I can't say it better than you did. I don't think the nickname Linc is tacky at all.
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I like Lincoln and the nn Linc. I do think it's a solid name overall.
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I had a rabbit named Link, which is almost the same thing. :PIt's really not my cup of tea. It's distinguished and all, but there's just something about the sound that throws me off.
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If I met someone named Lincoln, I'd assume they were named after Abe Lincoln... Linc or Link would be the obvious nn, but I don't really like it. Which leaves us with Oln :P Really though, maybe Cole?
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