[Facts] Melchizedek
I'm curious about the name Melchizedek. It's the name of a priest in the Bible, and it's masculine. I've looked it up, and this sight does not have information about it. Can anyone help me with this? I've become quite interested in it.
Proud User Since March 23, 2005
"Nature is the art of God." ~Dante~

Proud User Since March 23, 2005
"Nature is the art of God." ~Dante~
Read The Alchemist.
Melchizedek means "king of righteousness". If you want more information on the biblical figure, go to:
If that is not enough, let me know.
If that is not enough, let me know.
My husband grew up as a Mormon and at age 18 was given the Melchezidek priesthood (i.e. more keys). He says that Melchezidek was a minor Biblical priest who gave Abraham a blessing. According to my husband, in the mormon religion it would be very strange to name your son Melchezidek.
However, unless you are Mormon I doubt anyone would mind!
However, unless you are Mormon I doubt anyone would mind!