[Opinions] Willow
WDYT to Willow?
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I think it's boring.Why? Because it's become a darling of the board, and I'm sick of hearing about it.I hope this doesn't offend you- I have nothing against the name itself, really. I'm just burnt out on it.
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I sympathize with you.You're not the only one who's sick of hearing about Willow. I hate hearing about it, too.
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I agree. In real life, it's okay I guess. But around here I've gotten sick of it.
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I like it. I think it's very pretty. It's probably best suited to the middle name slot though. At least that's where I'd put it.
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It's a cute name, though probably I wouldn't use it myself.
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I think I used to really like it and now I'm not so in love with it. For one, there is the whole Will and Jada Smith empire. When they named thier kids Jaden and Willow, it made complete sense. Now they are everyone's names.
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On a tree by a river, a little tom-tit
Sang Willow, Tit Willow, Tit Willow;
And I said to him, Dicky-bird, why do you sit
Singing Willow, Tit Willow, Tit Willow?
Is it weakness of intellect, Birdy? I cried,
Or a rather tough worm in your little inside?
With a shake of his poor little head, he replied,
Oh,Willow, Tit Willow, Tit Willow.It goes on. Any Gilbert and Sullivan website should give you the whole thing plus the tune and the context. Good song, but there must be several gazillion better names!
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I like it, though I wouldn't use it myself.
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I don't like it. I do, however, like Willa very much.
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It looks like I'm in the minority here. I do like Willow a lot. I think it's soft and feminine without being too overly frilly. I don't think I would use it at this point, though, because it's become more prominent in pop culture lately.
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I don't like it. It's overrated, and it has the unfortunate associations with Willow Palin and Willow Smith.
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It used to be my favorite girl's name. I still like it quite a lot, but not enough to use it unless DH decides he really hates all my other names.
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Very 'now', weak, somewhat tacky. Doesn't age as well or have the class of other long-standing nature names.
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I was about to say the same thing. It makes me think of yuppie types that think they're hippies just because they shop at Trader Joe's.
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I love it, but I'm starting to doubt its usability because it seems to be getting popular.
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I whip my hair back and forth! That annoying tune gets stuck in my head when I see the name Willow.
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yup :(I used to like it many years ago. Now I wouldn't use it.
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I just don't get Willow. It's just not pretty.
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I love it! I have never met another Willow. I plan on using it because DH name is William. I think it is feminine and gives off a soft feeling. I dont think its "out there" like other names. Yet, still unique and edgy. As to aging well, I often ask myself what would I think if that was my name at the age I am at now. And, I would have no problem having that as my name. Hope that helps
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You may not have met another Willow, but my parents had never met a Jessica when they named me that in the mid 80s. Not that Willow is #1 material, but it's definitely a popular name of the moment.Naming a daughter Willow after father William is what Will Smith the celebrity did. His daughter Willow is responsible for an annoying pop song.
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Well, it doesn't help me like the name, but if you like it, that's all that matters.
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