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[Surname] Smoyer/ Schmoyer
Does anyone know anything about either of these two surnames. I beleive they are german since most my known heritage is german. My ln is sp. Smoyer but may have been changed from Schmoyer like my great great grandfathers name dropped the "ch" from his Schneider. Or just for the heck of it, does anybody even know of anybody with this surname, i know it's not a common one. any help is apperciated, thanks.
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"Unidentified," says the Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press. Not of much help, I know, but at least something.'s in none of my books)
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You asked this question before and at that time i gave this answer, though this is just my theory. Hope it's a help.
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thanksi know i asked before, i just thought maybe someone new might have had something to say in addition to last time.
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