[Facts] surprised
Hello, name is Ahrend (male). I was quite surprised to see that my name was not in the database considering that it has an impressive amount of ethnic, unusual, common and historic names. So to the point: Ahrend, (very commonly mispronounced "Aaron") although that may be the propper English translation is Old German in ethnicticity. In its very oldest translation, before the very large single Germanic Tribe broke into two it meant either "the eagle or in some instances; The son of the eagle. As the Germanic tribes further seperated and broke down the name loosley became translated to The evil one or the Dragon; however this last bit is not recorded nearly as accuratly as the first. The name is now just an uncommon name and often a pain as people trying to read it out loud come up with some pretty interesting pronounciations!
I'm surprised that Arend isn't in the database, though it is user submitted. I've never seen the Ahrend spelling, but Arend is quite usual in South Africa and the Netherlands.
That's interesting. My name's Atlanta and I'm not really sure where it comes from. I couldn't find it in this database. It may be a version of Atalanta, from Greek Mythology, or it may come from the city. Have any ideas?