[Surname] Clayton? Layton?
O.K. I know that the surname, Clayton means "clay settlemant". but what about Layton? What does it mean?I have the idea that Layton just means settlement. Am I right or wrong?
oh.and I believe that these names are English. Does it come from briton(english) or is it an american westrn name(english)
oh.and I believe that these names are English. Does it come from briton(english) or is it an american westrn name(english)
You can find the meaning, origins and etymology of the surname Layton here -> (http://www.ancestry.com/facts/Layton-family-history-uk.ashx).
The user above's post may be more helpful to you, but I know of an African American family in my school with the last name of Layton, same exact spelling too, if that helps any.