[Opinions] Nona
I knew someone named Nona once, and I thought it sounded nice. What do you think of the name Nona?

This message was edited 3/6/2011, 12:26 PM

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OY! I read some of these and get scared because I remember that Nona was something someone renamed me when they had that post where we all put up our pics!! YIKES!
About the name though, it does sound round somehow and too short for a full name. As a nn I think I could really like it.
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Reminds me of "grandma". I think because I've known quite a few grandmother's who go by "nona". I think it even means "grandmother" in some language...
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I knew a short little old lady named Nona once, so I always think of her. It is a nice name, but nothing I'd use.
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Like Noah, it starts with a negative which really puts me off. Like the Sigh at the beginning of Simon.
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I sort of like it. I like it more as a nn for Winona.
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I ave a girl at my school named Noona (she has finnish heritage).
I don't especially like it, mainly because it sounds kinda nicknamey.
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I like it. I like a lot of names with that sort of sound, though. Nonie, Nola, Nora, Mona... they're all cute.

This message was edited 3/6/2011, 1:09 PM

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I like it! It's short, sweet, and pleasant to say and read. It reminds me of Nora, but quirkier.
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It reminds me of that Tomie de Paolo book called Strega Nona. I fun read, but all I see is large grandmotherly type who insists that everyone have third helpings. :o)
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