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[Facts] Male Name Menowin?
Hi everybody!
I would like to know anything about the male name Menowin.
There was a contestant at the german version of "American Idol" and his name was Menowin.
He was male, german (typical german lastname) and about 20 years old. THANXNOTE: Unfortunatelly he was kicked off the show because he was sent to prison.
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Perhaps it was a version of: Menahem? In which case, click and ye shall find.
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The name is not found in:Wilfried Seibicke: Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch I-IV, 2000 ff.So it must be extremely rare in Germany. Here is one possible derivation:WIN means "friend"MENO is a Low German pet form of names with the element MEIN.
MEIN is a variant of MAGAN/MEGIN meaning "power" (related to the word "might")So the meaning would add up to "power" + "friend". But maybe someone else has a better idea …
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