[Opinions] Paigan
I know a girl named Paigan. I believe it's pronounced PAYJ-IN. I don't like this. I think it is too made up and I don't like the name Paige anyway. WDYT?
I agree that it looks like Pagan with an "i". Looks horribly made-up to me and doesn't even sound nice. "Paging Paigan"...lol.
No, don't like it at all. It looks like it should be pronounced like Pagan and with the PAYJ-in pronounciation it reminds me of 'pigeon'.
~Louise x
Pray for mercy from Puss...In Boots!
~Louise x
It looks like it would be pronounced like Pagan to me. I really dislike Paige, but I dislike this even more.
Proud foster mother to 26 exclamation marks. See profile for their names.
Proud foster mother to 26 exclamation marks. See profile for their names.
I love it.
~~The brave may not live forever, but the cautious don't live at all~~
~~The brave may not live forever, but the cautious don't live at all~~
How on earth are they getting that pronunciation? I would automatically pronounce Paigan with a hard g before the a.
I agree: too made up.
I agree: too made up.
It's not too bad though it does sound made up. It reminds me of pagan which is what I thought it was at first!
Paige is really cute, especially as a middle name! :)
Paige is really cute, especially as a middle name! :)
It looks like Pagan with an I.
Tritto, and reminds me of Paisley.
It's awful. It looks like Pagan. Paige is fine.
It reminds me of saying "page in". btw