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[Facts] Polish version of my name
I am looking for the Polish version of my name (Ashleigh). It is hard for my boyfriend's Polish family to pronounce (AH-sh-lay) is how they say it.Asha sounds close but that name is Joanna in English I think.Kasia sounds close to Ashleigh but its short for Katherine names.any help?? even a close approximation would work.
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thanks ADT!Maybe I will just let them call me Asha.Are you Polish?
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Ashley comes from a surname I believe so there is no Polish version. As in the name does not exist.Asha which is spelled Asia is Joanna, you're right.
Kasia is Katherine.But, Ashleigh really should not be hard.... many Polish speaking people give that name to their children...How about spelling it out for them... ASH-li (li=lee)
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oh and...Asia (Asha) is not Joanna in Polish - that's the pet name for Joanna....
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