[Opinions] Sappho
I think Sappho is one of the greatest poets that ever lived, and I love the idea of bestowing her name upon a child -- indeed, the name itself is alluring as well. What are your opinions? Which of the following combinations appeal to you?Sappho Ada
Sappho Adela
Sappho Adele
Sappho Allegra
Sappho Amandine
Sappho Augusta
Sappho Aurelia
Sappho Beatrice
Sappho Beatrix
Sappho Bernadette
Sappho Bryony
Sappho Camellia
Sappho Camilla
Sappho Cecilia
Sappho Celestine
Sappho Charlotte
Sappho Clarice
Sappho Clarissa
Sappho Claudia
Sappho Clementine
Sappho Cordelia
Sappho Cornelia
Sappho Dahlia
Sappho Dorothea
Sappho Dorothy
Sappho Edith
Sappho Elaine
Sappho Eleanor
Sappho Elisabeth
Sappho Eliza
Sappho Emeline
Sappho Emily
Sappho Enid
Sappho Ernestine
Sappho Estella
Sappho Eudora
Sappho Eugenia
Sappho Eugenie
Sappho Eulalia
Sappho Eulalie
Sappho Georgina
Sappho Geraldine
Sappho Gloria
Sappho Griselda
Sappho Gwendolen
Sappho Helen
Sappho Helene
Sappho Henrietta
Sappho Henriette
Sappho Hilda
Sappho Imelda
Sappho Ingrid
Sappho Iris
Sappho Isabel
Sappho Jane
Sappho Jemima
Sappho Judith
Sappho Julia
Sappho Juliet
Sappho Lauretta
Sappho Lenore
Sappho Leontine
Sappho Leopoldine
Sappho Letitia
Sappho Lilian
Sappho Lillian
Sappho Loretta
Sappho Louisa
Sappho Lydia
Sappho Margaret
Sappho Margery
Sappho Marguerite
Sappho Maria
Sappho Marian
Sappho Marion
Sappho Marjorie
Sappho Mary
Sappho Mathilda
Sappho Mathilde
Sappho Matilda
Sappho Miriam
Sappho Muriel
Sappho Ottilie
Sappho Ottoline
Sappho Patricia
Sappho Peony
Sappho Regina
Sappho Renata
Sappho Rosalind
Sappho Rosaline
Sappho Rosamond
Sappho Rosamund
Sappho Rosemonde
Sappho Sylvia
Sappho Theodora
Sappho Ursula
Sappho Wilhelmina
Sappho Zinnia

This message was edited 4/9/2011, 2:47 AM

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I also like Sappho's works and her story is FASCINATING. I like: Sappho Aurelia
Sappho Cecelia
Sappho Elaine
Sappho Louisa
Sappho TheodoraNICE PICK!
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I quite like it and particularly enjoy its unusual ending for a female name. I saw a 3 year old Sappho a couple of months ago, which was a happy surprise.
Some might initally think of the word 'sapphic' but surely people realise a child would be named after the poetess? It should be usuable.Your combinations are always divine, but I am especially fond of Sappho Aurelia, Sappho Renata and Sappho Rosamund.
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Be careful. Sappho might not be a good idea in English. People will assume that it is masculine even though it isn't.

This message was edited 4/9/2011, 1:45 PM

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Of your combinations, Sappho Helene is the standout and feels most fitting to me. I am sorry to say that I find neither the sound nor look of Sappho to be alluring, however...especially not the sound. If I were enamored of the poet and name and really wanted to use it, I would do so in the middle name position. Like Ozma, I imagine the general public's first association may be the word, "sapphic". I do not mean to cast such as a negative or to condemn anyone's sexual preference. I simply would not enjoy the notion of people's brains, upon first meeting my child, immediately associating her name with sexual preference, whatever that may be, rather than just getting to know her.
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Well, I would hesitate to use it in real life because of the connotation. Sappho was a brilliant woman, no doubt, but a lot of people would hear the word and think, "lesbian." Not that there is anything wrong with being a lesbian, but I just wouldn't want my kid to have a name so closely tied with "sapphic." Might be a bit of a problem later in life.I hope no one hates me for this, but I've gotta be honest. :/Other than that, I think your combos are very pretty. Here are some of my favorites:Sappho Ursula
Sappho Rosamund
Sappho Rosalind
Sappho Regina
Sappho Matilda
Sappho Lillian
Sappho Judith
Sappho Eleanor
Sappho Aurelia
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